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Entry No.
*attach your resume
*write a reflection about
the resume that you
Entry No. 2

*attach your application

*write a reflection about
your reflection letter
Entry No. 3
*attach a list of your school’s
rules and regulation
*write a reflection on how
you behaved and followed
their rules and regulations.
Entry No. 4

*attach photos of you in

your culminating activities
*write a reflection on how you
managed to comply your work/task.
Was a task easy? Was is difficult?
Entry No. 5

*attach your daily task record

*write a reflection on how having a
task record affect your efficiency in
accomplishing your task.
Entry No. 6
*attach photos of good personality
traits you demonstrated during this
culminating activities which is on
pleasing appearance, courtesy,
conduct, industriousness, and
Entry No. 7
*attach photos of good personality
traits you demonstrated during this
culminating activities which is on
sociability, drive and leadership.
Mental maturity, and stress
Entry No. 8
*attach updated resume
*write a reflection about
the resume that you
Entry No. 9

*write a reflection on creating a

portfolio using CERAE format.
C- Content: what is your portfolio
E- Experience: what are your
experiences in creating the portfolio?
Entry No. 9

R- Reflection: what have you leran in

your portfolio creating experience?
A- Action: what do you plan to do
based on your reflection?
E- Evaluation: evaluate the experience
as a whole.
Entry No. 10

*attach a collage of your

Senior High School

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