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in Banking
What is Intranet?
 An intranet is a private
network that can only be
accessed by authorized
users. The prefix "intra"
means "internal" and
therefore implies an
intranet is designed for
internal communications.
 For example, a business
may create an intranet to
allow employees to
securely share messages
and files with each other.
Difference between Internet & Intranet

 Internet  Intranet

• A public network • A private Network

• Anyone can access the • Only the users of an
information organization have access
• Less secure • More secure
• Has more traffic since • Has minimum traffic as
it’s a world wide network it has less number of
Use of intranet in banks
A bank intranet is an indispensable tool,
which helps staff better collaborate,
engages and involves staff, promoting your
culture and company values along the
way. It also gives your employees the tools
they need to perform their jobs efficiently.
Give Examples – Any Bank

o Citizens and Northern Bank (Wellsboro, Pennsylvania):

The bulk of our internal forms are now fed through our company intranet, which saves paper
and time, and speeds up response time. This is by far the most important part of our intranet.
o St. Martin Bank and Trust (Los Angeles, California):

Our company intranet has helped us simply posting bank procedures mostly via the
knowledgebase. This is something that the team has been populating extensively with
content. And even though an actual FAQs app exists, we’ve been housing our FAQ’s in
the knowledgebase as well. The way we have it structured seems to better fit our

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