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Direction: Identify the following examples of

globalization based on the given description below.

Write your answer on your answer sheet.

_____1. It is the development of trade systems within

transnational actors such as corporations or NGOs.
_____2. This is an accounts for the idea of considering
planet Earth as a single global entity – a common good
all societies should protect since the weather affects
everyone and we are all protected by the same
_____3. Refers to the interpenetration of cultures
which, as a consequence, means nations adopt
principles, beliefs, and costumes of other nations,
losing their unique culture to a unique, and
globalized supra-culture.
_____4. Information moves almost in real-time,
together with the interconnection and
interdependence of events and their consequences.
_____5. It is the new organization and hierarchy of
different regions of the world that is constantly
_____6. It is the phenomenon by which millions
of people are interconnected thanks to the
power of the digital world via platforms such as
Facebook, Instagram, Skype or Youtube.

_____7. It is the development and growing

influence of international organizations such
WHO which means governmental action takes
place at an international level.
_____8. Can be linked with the rise of a global
financial system with international financial
exchanges and monetary exchanges.
8 PTS –Essay :


Cooperation is the process of working together to
Collaboration means to work
the same end. It is an active help from a person,
together with others to achieve a
organization etc. such as an orderly sharing of space
common goal. Unconditionally
and resources. Cooperation means conditionally
sharing everything and helping each
sharing information and resources while functioning
other while mutually working
together within an independent “connective” in
together in cohesive “collective” in
typical roles with workloads accepted as unequal to
unusual roles embracing talents of
change something in a way that:
each person to synergize or invent
a. benefits some individuals in a group,
something new in a way that:
b. meets their personal needs, and
a. benefits all the groups,
c. may result in disrupted innovation.
b. serves the whole team’s
goal, and
c. may result to creative

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