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The sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) and weak acetic acid in
vinegar react and trap the carbon dioxide to form bubbles.
The mixture of the baking soda (solid) and vinegar (liquid)
creates a gas and a liquid, which in turn results in a foam (a
mixture of gas and liquid, or a colloid).
In the hot water the tablet should have more vigorously
produced bubbles than in the cold water. The higher the
temperature, the faster the molecules move and the
more likely it is that the bicarbonate will contact
hydrogen in just the right way for the chemical reaction
to occur and produce carbon dioxide bubbles.
Two molecules of hydrogen peroxide will
produce two molecules of water and one
molecule of oxygen. A catalyst of potassium
permanganate can be used to speed up this
process. Adding potassium permanganate to the
hydrogen peroxide will cause a reaction that
produces a lot of heat, and water vapor will shoot

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