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Concepts and Definitions


Thermodynamic PROPERTIES
 Concepts and definitions
 Classification of thermodynamic properties
As we have already mentioned , thermodynamics studies
the processes of conversion of different types of energies
into each other. In the result of that we can say,
thermodynamics studies the properties of real systems
based on the laws of thermodynamics. Unlike many areas
of physics and chemistry, thermodynamics is not based on
any model of structure of the substance and is not
interested in the microstructure of the substance. It is
engaged in macroscopic processes. Thermodynamics -
learns the laws of energy conversion in various processes
that occur in the macroscopic System and results in heating
Thermodynamic systems may be homogenous and heterogeneous.
Homogenous system is a simple system and has identical specification
(for example, qas). Homogeneous part of heterogeneous system is
called phase. In multiphase system, various phases may be in various
aggregate types. Several phase mays be in a single aggregate type
(this issue will be reviewed later).

 Homogeneous system - A system which consists of a single phase is

termed as a homogeneous system (i.e.) mixture of air and water vapour,
water plus nitric acid and others.
 Heterogeneous system - A system which consists of two or more phases
is called a  heterogeneous system, i.e., water+steam, ice+water and
In order to characterize the state of system (gas) it is
necessary to know the three parameters. They are
pressure P, temperature T and special volume v - the
mentioned 3 parameters are called State Parameters or
the Basic Properties of the substance.These are useful to
define the system.
Moreover, Properties are divided into 3 groups: common, specific and
molar properties. If properties are belonging to total mass of the
substance, they are called common properties and mentioned by capital
letters (V, U, S, I). If properties are belonging to single mass of the
substance, they area called specific properties and written by small
letters (v, u, s, I and etc.).
If properties are belonging to molar mass of the substance, they are
called molar properties and written like that (ṽ, ṹ, ṧ)
Density Specific gravity: The ratio of
the density of a substance to
the density of some standard
substance at a specified
temperature (usually water at
Specific volume

Specific weight: The

weight of a unit volume
of a substance.

Density is mass
per unit volume;
specific volume
is volume per
unit mass.

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