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Blaise Pascal

Made by Ishaan, Shiven and Kean of 7.1


 Blaise Pascal is a famous French mathematician, scientist and a philosopher

 Is a child prodigy who was educated by his father.
 Contributions to science and mathematics were so important that many things in
these subjects were named after him.
 Wrote two amazing pieces of French literature. 
What was Pascal known for?

Pascal was mostly known for his science and mathematic achievements. He did
many experiments like things on atmospheric pressure or the weight of the air. His
achievements were so great that he got named after different terms like metric
units of pressure. He also did multiple experiments about fluid mechanics. These
experiments caused the establishment of Pascal's law
Timeline of Pascal’s Life

9 October 1639 Pascal and family move 27 September 1653

Pascal Born First mathematical to Paris 9 October 1640 Invents Pascal’s
19 June 1623 breakthrough 4 October 1631 First published work triangle Died August 19, 1662

Mother dies 5 December 1635 9 October 1639 6 August 1640 9 August, 1654
4 October 1629 Makes first invention Invents the mysterious Validated Torricelli's Invents the roulette
hexagon theory
Fun Facts about Pascal

 Pascal invented the syringe

 Pascal was a very religious person
 He invented the first modern form of public transportation
 He never went to school or university – his father home schooled him
 Pascal had never married nor had any children
 Pascal was also a philosopher and created the ‘Pensées’

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