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• It is located in western South America.

• Its capital is Lima and the main cities
are: Cuzco, Callao, Arequipa, Trujillo
and Chiclayo.
• In this country is Lake Titicaca, the
highest lake in the world.

Lake Titicaca
Flora and fauna

• In the Peruvian Amazon Jungle, you can find

monkeys, parrots, turtles and crocodiles.
• In the coastal zone species of seagulls and swallows
can be seen.
• In the Mountain area, the cactus is characteristic of
this area. In addition, it is common to see llamas and
alpacas and some birds such as the condor or the
Natural resources and currency
of Peru
• Regarding its natural resources, Peru has
a large amount of oil, gas, gold, zinc and
• The currency used by Peru is called
“nuevo sol“.
Traditional foods

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