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The Livability of Osaka

By Nehan Hossain, Kobe Shin, Ariz Mahmud, Jamond Tan, and Darcy Li

What is Osaka and how is
it livable? 

Environmental Factors
  Hundreds of trees to circulate the clean air in the city. 
 It has lots of stations; much more than any other city.
More stations means more people will ride because it
is closer to work and will limit the usage of cars. Cars
emit greenhouse gases that damage the environment
and livability.
  Climate also helps the livability by creating the
possibility of growing certain crops such as bananas in
tropical climates. 
 Landforms also help livability by giving out water in the
case of a mountain. 
What is Osaka and
how is it livable? 
What strategies have
been used to enhance
the livability?

Osaka is made very livable as it is overlapped with the

past and the present. If you are going around in Osaka
right now you would see some people wearing
kimono (traditional Japanese clothing), and geta
(traditional Japanese shoes).  
But nowadays not only do they have these uniforms
they also are on their phones and maybe drinking
from Starbucks. This is what makes Japan so livable as
it still has the culture with the new mixed. 
Not only this but Osaka is featured as a very safe living
environment. The city rankings are said that is a good 
place to live with high ratings in housing, business   
freedom and health care.
Government and Non-government
organizations in enhancing
 Toshifumi Yoshizaki , Vice President of Smarter
Cities, IBM Japan says that he would like to use
information technology to improve the

 The Asian Library & Communication Centre Osaka
started the construction of the Asia Library and
overseas network. 
Communities and
Individuals That Enhance
The Livability of Osaka

 Health workers; Ichiro Matsui The Mayor; The

Council and many different others help enhance the
livability of Osaka.

 These people help to create unique figures that help

the livability statistics stand out.

 These unique figures include the limited buildings

made. They also create communities to look after
the remaining nature in Osaka.

 Police officers, who are large parts of Osaka's

livability, help keep down the crime rates in Osaka.
What three improvements can
we make to Sydney by studying
1.  We can install more public transport areas in Sydney area,
mostly with buses and light rail as public transport releases less
carbon dioxide per person than everyone driving their own car or
taking their own taxi to reduce our greenhouse gasses production
rate and save our coral reefs. It isn’t that Sydney city hasn’t done
enough, it is that it doesn’t come as frequent as it can be.
2.  The crime rate of Sydney can be lowered drastically by
enforcing more law protection and harsher penalties,  as Osaka
does well with crime rate at a low percent of 27.08% with Sydney
nearly 9% higher at a rate of 35.23%. Though it is safer to walk in
the morning in Sydney, it is far safer in Osaka to walk at night. The
crime rate in Sydney is also rising at a higher rate than Osaka.
• 3. Sydney can learn from Osaka in the way that Osaka keeps
both old and new culture. This keeping of old culture can bring
together different people in a city environment. This can solve
many racial problem in Sydney and let new cultures embrace
old culture and expand the minds of the next generation.

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