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Bạn cho ảnh bạn đá bóng bào đây

This is presentation about my hobbies
The sport are divied into 3 categories

Air sports Land sports Water sports

• Paragliding • Soccer • Sailing
• Skydiving • Badminton • Surfing
• Wingsuit flying • Volleyball • Diving
• Running • Swimming
What sports do you like ?

I can play almost the popular sports for my age like

soccer, badminton, volleyball, e-sports, swimming,
ect. I don’t particularly like any sports because I
usually play different seasonal sports. For example,
I usually play football when the weather is not too
cold, swim on hot days, jog on pleasant days.

Choox nay banj cho hay khong cung dc

But my favorite sport is blliards
because I can play it no matter what
the weather because it is an indoor
sport. I usually play pool three times
a week in the evening when I don’t
have a class schedule.

Ban cho ảnh bạn bào đây

I like to play billiards because it
helps me improve my thinking,
makes me happy and excited to
play it. I started to play billiards
when I was in 11th grade, I
usually play it with my friends,
sometimes I play alone.
Every sports has its advantages and
disadvantages and so does billiards.
Billiards has the disadvantages of
causing eye strain and it also quite
expensive for students. In short,
playing sports is very good, everyone
should actively participate in shorts to
improve their own health
Thanks for listening to my

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