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4주 <The Movie: American Beauty >

1 차시 Welcome to the Neighborhood

2 차시 So Shameless
3 차시 I’m Just Curious

• 대화 보기 (It’s Done, Two Doors Down, Cut to the Chase, Part-


1. It’s done 의 의미에 대해 설명할 수 있다 .
2. Two Doors Down 의 의미에 대해 설명할 수 있다 .
3. Cut to the Chase 의 의미에 대해 설명할 수 있다 .
Chapter6 영어자막 보기
1. 대화 보기

VOICE Rick-y! Break-fast!

Be right there.



RICKY I don't eat bacon, remember?

BARBARA I'm sorry, I must have forgotten.

1. 대화 보기

What's new in the world, Dad?

This country is going straight to hell.

Are you expecting anyone?

No. (thinks) No.
1. 대화 보기

JIM #1

JIM #2
Welcome to the neighborhood.

JIM #1
Just a little something from our garden.

JIM #2
Except for the pasta, we got that at Fallaci's.

JIM #1
It's unbelievably fresh. You just drop it in the water and it's done.
1. 대화 보기


It's done It's finished

ex I have done talking. I'm going to act.
ex Will he ever be done?
1. 대화 보기

JIM #1 Jim Olmeyer. Two doors down. Welcome to the neighborhood.

COLONEL Colonel Frank Fitts, U.S. Marine Corps.

JIM #1 Nice to meet you. And this is my partner...

JIM #2 Jim Berkley, but people call me J.B.

Two doors down In the next house but one
ex My brother lives two doors away.
cf. next door: Who lives next door?
I'm just going next door to see her.
1. 대화 보기

Let's cut to the chase, okay? What are you guys selling?

JIM #2 Nothing. We just wanted to say hi to our new neighbors--

Yeah, yeah, yeah. But you said you're partners. So what's your business?

JIM #1
Well, he's a tax attorney.

JIM #2 And he's an anesthesiologist.

1. 대화 보기


CUT TO THE CHASE Shorten the hunt, pursuit, Be frank, get to the point
ex The dictionary cut to the chase of the meaning of the word.
ex Let's cut to the chase and what's the point?

PARTNER • a person who shares or takes part with another or others in a busi-
ness firm with shared risks and profits
• either member of a married couple or of an unmarried couple liv-
ing together
• It’s Done
• Two Doors Down
• Cut to the Chase
• Partner


• 이번 차시는 Welcome to the Neighborhood 를 주제로

학습하였습니다 .
• 다음 차시에는 So Shameless 를 주제로 학습하겠습니다 .

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