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Fundamental of Computer

Computer is an electronic device which is capable

of receiving data(information) in a particular
Who is the Father of Computer
Parts of Computer
Keyboard: It is also known as ‘QWERTY’
A standard keyboard has 104 keys; these keys are divided into different
divisions. These are: -
a. Alphabet keys (like: A, B, C, D, etc.)
b. Number keys (like: 1,2,3,4, etc.)
c. Symbol keys (like: @, #, $, etc.)
d. Arrow keys
e. Function keys (like: F1, F2, F3, F4, etc.)
f. Special keys (like: Backspace, Enter, Space, Shift, Control key, Alternate key)
Keyboard key Information
Mouse : It is designed and discovered by ‘Douglas Engel Bert’ at Bell
Lab is USA.
Types of Mouses

Mechanical Mouse Optical Mouse Cordless Mouse

Mechanical Mouse : A hard rubber all that rolls as
the mouse is moved. Sensor inside the body detect
the movement.
Optical Mouse : Wired Modern Mouse with LED
Cordless Mouse: A cordless mouse, also called a wireless mouse,
is a mouse that connects to a computer without the use of wires.
A monitor is a display device like a TV screen, that interprets
and displays the graphical output signal from your computer’s
graphics card and displays it on the screen.
Types of Monitor

CPU (Central Processing
Unit) also known as Brain
of the Computer
A printer is a hardware
output device that is used to
generate hard copy and print
any document.
Types of Printer

Inkjet Printer Laser Printer Dot Matrix Printer

Inkjet Printer : Used for colorful Printings

Laser Printer : Used for Black & White Printings.

Dot Matrix Printer : Used for Dotted Printings.

1. Input Device: Keyboard, Mouse, Scanner, Trackball, Joystick, Light pen
2. Output Device: Monitor, Printer,
STORAGE DEVICE : Pen drive, CD, DVD, HDD (Hard disk
drive), SSD (Solid State drive), Floppy disk, Memory Card
Computer can be divided into the
following categories

Micro Mini Super

Computers computer Computer

The computer that we see around in

shops, banks & schools are micro
Mini computers

the minicomputer was designed

to handle specific tasks like
Mainframe computers are very Fast
& Efficient. They are used in big
setups where the work requires high
processing power and speed. They
are used in research organizations,
banks and government organizations
Super Computer

Super Computers are the fastest and

biggest types of computers, many
processors in a super computer work
together at the same time. They are big
in size and occupy a large space

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