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CL-P1 Project/Internship Title

1. Jal Agrawal (190770107005) 3. Student Name (Enrollment No)

2. Student Name (Enrollment No) 4. Student Name (Enrollment No)

Guided by
 Prof. Monali Suthar
Silver Oak College Of Engineering and Technology,
Gota, Ahmedabad

INTRODUCTION SYSTEM FLOW with Experiments and Results

The Online Hospital Management System is a web-based platform that aims to simplify the process of managing patients,
doctors, and appointments in a hospital or clinic. The system provides an integrated approach for managing medical
appointments, prescription, and patient records, and ensures seamless communication between patients, doctors, and
The system provides patients with the convenience of booking appointments online, selecting their preferred doctor, and
checking availability of slots. Doctors access their schedules, manage appointments, and update patient records in real-time.
They also prescribe medicines, which automatically recorded in the patient's records. The admin manages patient records,
doctor schedules, and ensure smooth functioning of the hospital or clinic.
The system also provides an electronic medical records (EMR) system, where patients' medical history, prescriptions, and lab
results stored securely. This ensures easy access to patient records, reducing the chances of errors and improving patient
Overall, the Online Hospital Management System aims to improve the efficiency and quality of healthcare delivery, ensuring
patients receive timely and accurate care. It also streamlines administrative tasks, allowing healthcare professionals to focus
on delivering quality care to patients.

❖ Following are the objectives of the proposed system.
●To help the patients connect to the specific doctor specialist fast and efficiently.
●To help patients to find the medicines with advanced search feature and also to generate the cart section for their prescribed medicines.
●To manage the medicines and doctor data with customizable feature which only be used by admin.
●To create user Friendly and efficient website which generate results fast without any data loss.
●To create an appointment feature which patient use to book the doctors for meeting

The Clinic On-Hospital Management platform utilizes a combination of server-side and client-side technologies to provide its functionalities. Fig 1. Algorithm to execute the MWM Fig 2 display of comparison of charts
Here's a technology review of the major components:
Server-Side Software: IMPLEMENTATION
Visual Studio Code: Visual Studio Code is a popular code editor used for developing Python applications, providing features such as code highlighting,
autocompletion, and debugging.
Python : Python is a widely used programming language known for its simplicity and versatility, making it suitable for back-end development in the Clinic On-Hospital ❖ How do you implement your project
Management platform. ❖Which techniques are required to implement the project
Django 4 (Framework: Django is a high-level Python web framework that provides a set of pre-built tools and libraries for developing robust and scalable web
❖Add image below of your implementation
Patient scheduling and appointment management: Algorithms for scheduling appointments, managing patient queues, and optimizing appointment slots based on various factors such as availability of
doctors, patient preferences, and urgency of cases.

Billing and financial management: Algorithms for calculating and managing bills, handling insurance claims, and generating financial reports.

Patient record management: Algorithms for storing, retrieving, and managing patient records, including electronic health records (EHRs), with appropriate data privacy and security measures

Prescription and medication management: Algorithms for generating accurate prescriptions, checking for drug interactions, and managing medication schedules and reminders.

ER Diagram Of Clinic Ōn Hospital


In conclusion, a web portal for a hospital management system is an essential tool for providing patients
and healthcare providers with a streamlined and efficient way to manage healthcare services. The
portal's features, including appointment scheduling, patient registration, electronic medical records,
online payment, pharmacy management, telemedicine, medical reports, feedback and complaints, staff
management, and inventory management, can help hospitals provide better patient care while also
improving their operational efficiency. The use of a web portal can help to enhance patient satisfaction,
streamline administrative tasks, and improve overall healthcare outcomes. Therefore, the
implementation of a web portal for a hospital management system is highly recommended for modern
healthcare institutions.

Z. Liu, "Design and Implementation of Hospital Emergency Nursing Information Management
System," 2016 International Conference on Smart City and Systems Engineering (ICSCSE),
Hunan, 2016, pp. 218-221.

GB. Koyuncu and H. Koyuncu, “Intelligent Hospital Management System (IHMS)," 2015
International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks
(CICN), Jabalpur, 2015, pp. 1602-1604.

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