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Quarter 4 – Week 3 Module 3

Volume of Solid Figures

and Solving Routine and Non-
Routine Problems on Volume of
Rectangular Prism
Solid figures are 3-dimensional
objects with height, width
and depth. Because they have
three dimensions, they have depth
and take up space in our universe
Did Norine and Karla get the
same number of units for the
volume of the box? Why?
Volume is the amount of space a solid
figure occupies. Nonstandard units can be
used to measure volume. Non-standard
units do not give the same measure of
volume for the same container. Balls,
marbles and pebbles are used as non-
standard units for measuring the volume
of the box.
When a non-standard unit used is
small, more units are needed to fill a
container. When the non-standard
unit used is bigger, fewer units are
needed to fill the container.
Non-standard units do not give
consistent and accurate
measurement of the volume of a
If 1 cubic unit is equal to 1 cubic cm,
then the volume is 4 cubic cm or 4
cm³. A cubic centimeter (cm³) is a
standard unit for measuring volume. A
cubic meter (m³) is another one.
Standard units are consistent and
accurate. Count the number of
cubic units needed to fill the space
figure to find the volume of a space
A volume is the amount of a space a
solid figure occupies.
When a non-standard unit used is small,
more units are needed to fill a container.
When the non-standard unit used is
bigger, fewer units are needed to fill the
Non-standard units do not give
consistent and accurate
measurement of the volume of a
container while standard
units are consistent and accurate.
To find the volume of a space figure,
count the number of cubic units needed
to fill the space figure.
A cubic centimeter (cm³) is a standard
unit for measuring volume. A cubic
meter (m³) is another one.
A. Directions: Read and understand
the following statements. If the
statement is true write T and write F if
it is false.
_____1. Non-standard units give
consistent and accurate measure of
the volume of a container.
_____2. Volume is the amount of a
space a plane figure occupies.
_____3. When the non-standard unit
used is bigger, fewer units are
needed to fill the container.
_____4. Marbles, pebbles, balls are
non- standard units.
_____5. Non-standard units can be
used to measure volume.
B. Find the volume of each solid figure by
counting the cubes.
Use 1 cube = 1 cubic m.

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