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Gregor Mendel developed

three principles of inheritance

that described the
transmission of genetic traits,
before anyone knew genes
Garden peas (Pisum sativum)
Using poultry and sweet
peas, Punnett and
Bateson discovered some
of the fundamental
processes of Mendelian
genetics, including
linkage, sex
determination, sex
linkage, and the first
example of autosomal
(nonsexual chromosome)
Genetics is the study of heredity and the factors
that affect the transmission of genes to
determine inherited characters from one
generation to the next.
Heredity is the transfer of traits genes from
parents to offspring.
Monohybrid Cross is the hybrid of two
individuals with homozygous genotypes which
result in the opposite phenotype for a certain
genetic trait.”
Phenotype is an individual's observable traits, such as
height, eye color and blood type.
Genotype is the genetic makeup of an organism.
Allele is one of two or more versions of DNA sequence
at a given genomic location.
Gene is the basic physical and functional unit of
Dominant is the inheritance of traits that are typically
passed vertically from parent to child where both the
parent and the child are affected by the trait or disorder
that is related to that gene.
Recessive traits a trait that tends to be masked
by other inherited traits yet persists in a
population among heterozygous genotypes.
Homozygous/Homozygote is the presence of two
identical alleles at a particular gene locus.
Heterozygous/Heterozygote is the presence of
two different alleles at a particular gene locus.
Dihybrid Cros is a mating experiment between
two organisms that are identically hybrid for two

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