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Global warming is one of the most serious issues that the world is

facing today. What are the causes of global warming and what

measures can governments and individuals take to tackle the issue?

• Solutions
- Government – investment/funding, campaigns, regulations
- Individuals – everyday/ make decision for yourself.
• Global warming is one of the most serious issues that the world is facing today. What

are the causes of global warming and what measures can governments and individuals

take to tackle the issue?

• One of the direst threats faced by humans in the 21st century is global warming. This

essay will discuss some primary causes of this, and propose some feasible solutions to

tackle the issue.

Body 1 - causes
• X is attributed to Y/ to several factors

• To be attributed to = to be caused by

• The rise in global temperatures is attributed to (= is caused by) several factors.

Firstly,… … is the main culprit

Secondly,… Another cause is …

Body 2 - solutions

• However, several viable measures can be adopted by both governments and individuals to

curtail the effects of climate change.

• Curtail = diminish

• On the individual level, …

• On the governmental level,… impose a strict/ stringent punishment on illegal loggers. =>

act as a threat

• since, as, because,

due to
• This means that, …
• In other words,…

therefore, as a result,
For example,
such as


If (2nd conditional)
Compared to
• Global warming  green house effects  increase in the amount of
green house gases (Co2, No, No2,…)  Co2 traps heat from the sun
 burning of fossil fuels  generate electricity (power plants) /
transportation ( private vehicles)

• Trees absorb Co2 - deforestation  increase Co2

Causes of global warming
• Xe nhiều
• Chặt cây
• Đốt nhiên liệu hoá thạch/ human activities
• Nhiều nhà máy hơn 
• Săn bắn động vật  mất cân bang hệ sinh thái
• Bùng nổ dân số  gánh nặg tài nguyên thiên nhiên  sử dung nhiều
nhiên lieu  thải ra nhiều khí --> khí hấp thụ nhiệt  nóng lên
Body 1 – sample answer
The rise in global temperatures is attributed to several factors. Firstly, the burning of fossil fuels, either in factories

or in the combustion engine of vehicles, generating an enormous amount of emissions, of which CO2 is the main

component. CO2 traps heat from the sun, making the temperature of the earth increase, and such a process is

called the greenhouse effect. This is compounded by the surge in the world population over the last few decades.

As the more people there are, the higher the demand for physical transport will be, and this can make the problems

of greenhouse emissions more severe. Finally, illegal logging is also a culprit of global warming. Since trees absorb

CO2 during day time, deforestation can facilitate the greenhouse effects, leading to higher temperatures the world

over. It seems clear that the major contributors to climate change are the popular use of fossil fuels, overpopulation,

and the cutting down of forest trees.

Body 2 - solutions

• However, several viable measures can be adopted by both governments and individuals to

curtail the effects of climate change.

• On the individual level, …

• On the governmental level,…

• On the societal level, …

Writing about solutions
1. A higher levy can be introduced on private vehicles and factories that run on coal,
oil, and natural gas, thereby curbing the use of this type of energy source.

2. A higher levy can be introduced on private vehicles and factories that run on coal,
oil, and natural gas in order to/ so as to curb the use of this type of energy source.

3. A higher levy can be introduced on private vehicles and factories that run on coal,
oil, and natural gas, which would curb the use of this type of energy source
Body 2 – sample answer
However, several measures can be adopted by both governments and individuals to curtail the effects of global warming. At

the governmental level, states can encourage the use of alternative fuels such as wind or solar power by building more

windmills and solar panels to produce electricity. Simultaneously, a higher levy can be introduced on private vehicles and

factories that run on coal, oil, and natural gas, thereby curbing the use of this type of energy source. Furthermore, a more

stringent punishment should be imposed on illegal logging activities in order to reduce the speed of forest loss. At an

individual level, each person should try to plant more trees either in public places or in their gardens so as to offset their own

carbon footprint. Finally, individuals should opt for mass transit instead of driving their own cars on their daily commute to

reduce the amount of emissions being released into the environment. I believe that an integration of governments and

individuals would help to combat the ever-increasing problems caused by global warming.
• In conclusion, … are the main reasons why …, and …(the people who
execute the solutions)… have a role to play in mitigating this issue.

• In conclusion, the rise in global temperatures is caused by various

factors such as the burning of fossil fuels, overpopulation, and
deforestation, and both governments and individuals have a role to
play in mitigating these issues.

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