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We are the great future leaders and we are being

molded here at LOVEWORLD SCHOOLS to
influence our world. Good morning our highly
esteemed parents, teachers and friends. Welcome to
Year 2 Rhema class assembly special edition on
AFRICA. To begin this assembly, my friends will be
telling you a few facts about Africa. Please sit back,
relax and enjoy. Thank you
The name ‘Africa’ came into Western use through the Romans.
The word has its roots in two different languages – in Latin
(“Aprica”) it means ‘Sunny’, and in Greek (“Aphrike”) it
means ‘Without cold’.
Africa is thought to be the first continent on earth where
humans lived. It is the hottest and the second largest continent
in the world.
There are 54 countries and one “non-self governing territory”,
the Western Sahara, in Africa. Some of the countries in Africa
includes: South Africa, Kenya, Egypt, Tunisia, Gambia and
Nigeria which is the giant of Africa. Ella
Other facts about Africa
Do you know that the longest river in the world, the Nile, is
located in Africa?
Africa has the world's largest desert, the Sahara, which is
almost the size of the United States.
The Victoria Falls is the largest waterfall in Africa; it is 355
feet high and one mile wide.
Not just that, Mount Kilimanjaro is the highest mountain on
the continent. It towers over 19,300 feet, which is so tall that
glaciers can be found at its summit even though the mountain
is near the equator. Nicole
The world’s largest land animal is the African
The world’s tallest animal, the giraffe, lives in
Africa while the fastest land animal in the world,
the cheetah also lives in Africa.
Africa is home to the world’s largest reptile, the
Nile crocodile and the gorilla, which can be found
in the continent’s jungles, is the world’s largest
primate. Charlotte
Africa is one of the 7 continents in the world. It is the
continent with the largest black race in the world.
Africa is a continent of great diversities which can be seen in
many areas of life such as culture, language, colour, foods,
commerce, style of government and so on.
In view of the great role the style of government plays in
shaping any society and the ongoing Nigerian general
election, we will be taking a look at the style of government
in Africa. Please follow us as we go on this ride. Thank you
What is government?
Government is simply defined to be the
management or control of a people in
any given society.
There are two broad categories of
government in Africa namely, the
monarchy and the republican. Tishe
In monarchy, the king or Queen is the head of government
and succession is usually by inheritance.
There are two types of monarchy -the absolute monarchy and
the constitutional monarchy.
Under the absolute monarchy, the king is completely in
control of governance. Example is Swaziland while the king
under the constitutional monarchy is just a ceremonial
figurehead that has no serious role in government, example is
Lesotho. The monarchy has been abolished in many African
countries. Olachukwu
However, the monarchy has been
abolished in many African countries.
The 2nd category of government is the
Republican system. This is a
government by the people or through
elected representatives of the people.
There are different subgroups under the Republican
category of government which are:
The presidential system where the head of state and the
head of government is the President, example is
The semi-presidential system where the president
shares power with the Prime Minister.
Others include the Parliamentary system, one party state
and the Military dictatorship which has become
outlawed in Africa. Wealth
In Nigeria, there are 3 levels of
governments, they are the federal, the
state and the local government.
The federal government is the highest
level and it consists of the Executive,
Legislative and Judiciary. Oj
The executive consists of the president and his
appointed ministers.
The legislative consists of the Senate which is the
upper legislative body and the House of
Representatives which is the lower house.
The judiciary is the third arm of government and it
consists of the
various courts-the magistrate, high courts, appeal
courts and the Supreme Court. Timothy
The main challenges facing governance in
Nigeria are insecurity, unemployment,
corruption, high level of illiteracy, poor
economy in spite of the abundant human and
natural resources. The bible says in Proverbs 29
verse 2 that When the righteous are in authority,
the people rejoice; but when the wicked bear
rule, the people mourn. Christopher
How long are we going to wallow in
this disheartening situations of
corruption brought by our leaders?
*Let’s watch our short drama on the
politics in Nigeria. Sit back and enjoy
Hope you enjoyed our drama?
Nigeria just had her presidential
elections which afforded Nigerians to
choose an overall leader to steer the
ship of governance for the next four
Our daddies and mummies, did you vote at
the last elections? Do you intend to do so at
the next one? Voting is your civic right.
However, praying for your nation and your
leaders is your spiritual responsibility as
stated in the Holy Bible. Let’s continue to lift
up and build our nation for God to restore our
lost glory. Brian
I am a patriotic citizen of Nigeria and
I want the good of Nigeria. So I
promise that when I turn 18, I will
surely exercise my civic duty. How
about you friends?
Let us pray for Nigeria.
We have successfully come to the end
of our class assembly. Remember that
righteousness exalts a nation but sin is
a reproach to any people. So let’s
continue to train our children with the
right values that can help them to
impact their generations in future for:

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