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My profession
My profession is to be a soccer
player, it is what makes me
happiest, I enjoy it and I hope to
find in it my main source of income
to be able to help my family, but I
do not do it for money, it is
something that amuses me, since I
was a child I like it play and I
have made an effort to get closer
to that goal, I train and practice
whenever I can and I have full
confidence that I will achieve it

• I plan to study something related to sales,

marketing, or business administration, since
it is something that I like, I see a future for it
and it is something that is currently
fundamental in all aspects, my brother
inspires me a lot, he has achieved many
achievements with this, at work, outside
business and so on.
• also because he can help me to complement
my main path, for marketing my brand,
investments and organize my money well

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