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An abstract noun is the name of quality, a state of

being, an idea, or a trait. It names those which have
no physical existence; you cannot see, hear, touch,
smell, or taste them.
Adjectives Abstract nouns

adventurous adventure
amazing amazement
angry anger

beautiful beauty
brave bravery
Adjectives Abstract nouns

compassionate compassion
content contentment
courageous courage

curious curiosity
democratic democracy
Adjectives Abstract nouns

educated education
energetic energy
enthusiastic enthusiasm

faithful faithfulness
fearful fear
Adjectives Abstract nouns

friendly friendliness
generous generosity
good goodness

happy happiness
homeless homelessness
Adjectives Abstract nouns

imaginative imagination
intelligent intelligence
joyful joy

kind kindness
loyal loyalty
Adjectives Abstract nouns

lucky luck
luxurious luxury
mature maturity

motivated motivation
musical music
Adjectives Abstract nouns

opinionated opinion
painful pain
patient patience

peaceful peace
real reality
Adjectives Abstract nouns

rich riches/richness
romantic romance
sad sadness

sensitive sensitivity
sleepy sleep/sleepiness
Adjectives Abstract nouns

sorrowful sorrow
strict strictness
strong strength

successful success
surprising surprise
Adjectives Abstract nouns

sympathetic sympathy
talented talent
tired tiredness

tolerant tolerance
unemployed unemployment
Adjectives Abstract nouns

warm warmth
weak weakness
wise wisdom

worried worry

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