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Physical and Astral body

Meditation is the journey of our
consciousness from: 
 Body to Mind 
 Mind to Intellect
 Intellect to Self 
 beyond.
 The Cosmic Energy exists
everywhere in the Cosmos. 

 It is the Bond between the

galaxies, the planets, humans
and molecules.

 It is the 'space' between each

and everything. 

 It is the bond, which keeps the

whole cosmos in order. 

 Cosmic Energy is the 'Life Force'.

  72000 Nadis or Energy tubes
 Energy Tubes starts from the head region.
 This region is called ‘Bramha Randra’.
 Our thoughts are the stumbling blocks for
the inflow of Cosmic Energy
 We ‘feel’ heaviness in the head region or
heaviness in the whole body.
very powerful tool of the soul to 'see', to 'feel'
and to 'hear' the higher frequency realities.

Cosmic Energy flows heavily, the Third Eye gets activated

we feel an itching sensation or

pulling sensation at the fore head region.

By this: 
Our actions will change. 
Our beliefs will change. 
Our Understanding will change.

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