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1. Providing us with important information about trends and development directions of the e-
commerce market. (can help us better understand the trends and potential of this industry, and
accordingly develop appropriate strategies to grow online stores or online services for businesses.)
Offering customers convenience and flexibility in shopping and using services (We can place orders
from anywhere and anytime, without having to go to a brick-and-mortar store to make purchases.)
2. Providing us with knowledge about business and competitive strategies (in the e-commerce
market, online stores have to compete with each other to attract customers. So they need to do
that to improve customer experience, enhance product and service quality, reduce operating
costs, and increase business efficiency)
Researching and analyzing customer information and data on their shopping behavior (help us better
understand customer needs and requirements, thereby optimizing shopping and service experiences.)
Selling through business website
Biti's has developed 2 websites (for domestic and
international markets.) Biti's goal:
- Simplicity in designing ( they focus on simplicity in - Increase customer satisfaction and avoid out-of-
designing Biti's online shopping websites.) stock situations on the website
(the arrangement of product categories and the steps - Enhance convenience for customers in payment
of purchasing and payment simplified as much as methods.
possible cuz they realize some customer they don’t - understanding the customer's location problem
have much knowledge about online shopping so they
can abadon their purchases)
- Biti's provides dedicated hotlines and email
channels (consult customers and resolve any
issues) – (Moreover, on the international website,
customers can directly message the customer
support staff on the website.)
Selling on TikTok Shop
• Biti's may not have focused much on developing this platform (there hasn't been much customer attraction for
shopping so the number of followers, interactions, and purchases is still not significant.)
+ the interface design is simple and suitable for different types of customers (chèn hình slide 4, 5, 6)  (whether
they are new to shopping or have experience) (hình 4 New and best-selling products are featured at the top to
attract viewers) (5 product page, customers can choose size, color, policies, and product descriptions)
+ Customers can also directly chat with store staff (about product-related issues or receive consultation support)
+ Customers can read reviews from previous customers (hình slide 7) (to assess the authenticity of the product)
+ Biti's supports various payment methods
• + However, the produced videos are not eye-catching and the content is not truly engaging for viewers. (Most
of the uploaded videos do not have a fixed schedule and meaningful content, making it difficult for viewers to
grasp the timing and easily get bored with videos without meaningful content.)

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