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Motion: Video games make us smarter

Rocksky 26
Negative Team
Speaker 1
September 22, 2020

September 22,
2020. In US.
Players around the
world have spent
more than $145
billion on desktop,
video and mobile
games as reported
by Comscore and
IFPI, respectively.

Negative Team

Speaker 2
December 1, 2021

December 1,
2021. In Vietnam.
Some surveys
have shown that
many people are
more sedentary
because they play
too many video

Negative Team

Speaker 3
June 18, 2018

June 18, 2018. In

Switzerland. World
Health Organization
adds gaming
disorder to disease
classifications. As
with any medical
disorder, the person
affected must be
seriously impaired.

Negative Team

• Analysis of video games and smarter.
• The consequences of playing games lead to the production of a lot of
dopamine affecting external activities.
• Effects and threats to health.

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