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Module 4

Determining the objectives

and structures of reports
What are reports?

- Reports are specific form of writing that is organized around concisely

identifying and examining issues, events, or findings that have happened in a
physical sense, such as events that have occurred within an organization, or
findings from a research investigation.
Two possible sources of reports

- are sources which do not provide concrete description of the information available.
Reportorial sources
- are information that gives measurable description and therefore they can provide
answer that supply good information in a report.
3 types of Reports

• Technical reports
• Academic reports
• Business reports
Technical Reports

 It is made for a group of people or

organization who seeks information
essential for a project an industry.
Front page
- Indicating its clear title, the date of its release, its author or name of organization, contact
details, and copyright publication.

Table of contents
- This is where readers can quickly find the pages of what they need to read.

Executive summary
- It is the main section of the report

Background and objectives

- Explains the situations that brought about the report's creation. In some situations, this phase can
be classified as standards or constraints, or the subject can be in short addressed within side the
transmittal letter or introduction while the objective talks about the aim or what is the goal they
want to achieve or reach after conducting the report.
- Details how the studies became conducted, the research strategies used and the
motives for selecting those techniques.

- Must be technically acceptable, accurate, and error- free.

Conclusions and recommendations

- Will tell whether the existing company system, policies implemented are still
effective or in failure.

- Is the last part were questionnaire, survey formats, and other research materials
used are tucked.
 The reports that we submit as a requirement in the school belongs to the second type of
report which is the following.
Academic reports

- The basic objective in reporting academic findings is to impart to a larger audience a

discovery made through formal investigation and scientific injury.
– Is a short presentation of about 200 to 250 words only that conclude (1) the purpose of paper (2)
the materials and methods used, and (3) the summarized results in the major conclusion of the study.

– It contains the connection between past and present studies attempting to give solutions or extend
knowledge on an identified problem.

Methods or Methodology
- Is the section that gives a narrative description of the materials, experimental procedure, in the
simplified name of the method use in the research.

– This is the section consisting of appropriate tables and figures that are use for essay reading of
statistical results.
– You are going to mention the theoretical context presented on the previous page
of the introduction.

- Given by the researcher addressing the problem is written in the section.

– Is the page for systematic acknowledgement of the sources use in the research.
The conducts of business reports is inevitable when one makes transition from the
conventional to the online marketing.
Business Reports

- Businesses need to innovate or update their product in business concept in order

to create profit.
Project description
- This is the background of what the project is all about.

Possible solutions
- Alternatives for solving problems found. Solutions presented though
must pass certain criteria.

- Is the summary of the project’s aims in how this aims can be achieve
are presented.
- Enanoria, Shane Bustamante

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