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1. I used to be fanatical about....................

because it helped me chill out and release my


2. When I am snowed under with lots of

homework and exams, ...................

3. It’s time-consuming and not health-

enhancing so I took up another hobby.
4. I am kind of an introvert

so I’d love to spend sometime for myself every day.

An extrovert

I’d be super excited if I could go out,

socializing with friends, telling them what I have
been through at school. It gives me energy.

5. ....................helps me strike a work-life balance,

be productive, and fully enjoy what I do.
6. After (doing something)......................., I’m
often energetic, ready to overcome more

7. While studying is sometimes mentally

exhausting, doing my hobby is truly life-giving
to me.

8. I tend to do it alone/with friends.

That’s how we tighten our bonds, being closer to

each other.

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