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Who Are The Children

With Special Needs?

By oghomwen Gloria osunde
Who are special needs kids
 They’re children who have a disability or a
combination of disabilities that makes learning
or other activities difficult. Special-needs
children include those who have: Mental
Retardation, which causes them to develop
more slowly than other children. Speech and
Language Impairment, such as a problem
expressing themselves or understanding others.
Physical Disability, such as vision problem,
cerebral palsy, or other conditions. Learning
Disabilities, which distort messages from their
senses. Emotional Disabilities, such as
antisocial or other behavioral problems.
Why Learn About These Children?

Because with proper care and

education, every child can reach his or her
full potential.

The more parents understand about how a

child grows, the better prepared they’ll be to
recognize special needs – and seek help

Children with special needs require extra

attention, teaching, care – and love!
How can this disability affect a person
 An individual’s disability can play a major role in his/her life: whether it’s positive or
negative. But overcoming the challenges and developing confidence is vital and
admirable. As a society, it is our utmost duty to allow people with disabilities to
experience a life they deserve. We are all different but very much alike at the same
 The importance of disability awareness has been given prominence over the recent
decades, making it easier for the people with disabilities and the society to develop
empathy for one another. Disability awareness helps in subsiding the stereotypical
mindset of the society, hence providing vast opportunities for everyone to get involved
in creating a positive, inclusive society for all. According to The World Bank:
“One billion people, or 15% of the world’s population, experience some form of
disability, and disability prevalence is higher for developing countries.
Why we should not judge a person who has
   from experience, people who have disabilities, whether physical or mental, are often very harshly judged.
Judged by benefit agencies when we try to make claims. Judged by doctors who might not understand our
condition. Judged by pharmacies who wonder why we are prescribed certain medications. Judged by our
families. Judged by strangers who think and say things like:
 We use the disabled parking bay because we’re lazy. 
 If we lost some weight, we’d be healthier. 
 We’re addicted to our meds. 

We just fake our illness for attention. 

We don’t look disabled.

Sometimes we’re judged on how our disability makes us look or how it makes us walk or talk. Judged because
we’re different. Not only judged, but laughed at and bullied, which is worse than disgusting.
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