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Where’s Our Water?

Our group uses an average of 3269 litres of water daily per person.
This is low as compared to the global average of 5000 litres. This
could be because we did not take into account the water needed to
make fuel to power our means of transportation, another reason for
this could be that we are still in our teens, and do not eat as much
as fully grown adults. Kang Yu has relatively low amounts of
indirect water consumption as compared to the rest of the group
members as they eat more vegetables, which require less water to
In order to find out produce as compared to meat. Ryota uses the most water from
how much virtual
water we use daily
food as he is athletic and would require to eat more.
through our clothing,
we first calculated
how much water is
needed to make the
clothes, then divided it
by how many days
they typically last

= 935.5 litres

Our water consumption, especially our indirect ones, depend greatly on our lifestyle habits. Kiat Chun and Kang Yu, who eat little meat and mostly
vegetables, have a much lower indirect water usage than that of Zachariah and Ryota. Ryota has the most amount of water consumption in the group as
he eats meat AND exercises regularly, thus having a greater amount of food intake, which would need more water to produce.

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