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Explanation Text

Explanation is a kind of text which tells

or explains processes relating to forming
of natural, social, scientific, and cultural
phenomena. In other words, Explanation
Text is to tell ‘why’ and ‘how’ of the
forming of the phenomena.
Purpose of Explanation Text :

1. To explain why things are as they are and how they

are formed or made.
2. To explain the stages of the process of how certain
phenomenon or event happens.
3. To explain the processes involved in the evolution
of natural and social phenomenon or how
something works.
The genre of explanation text can be
found :

 In science
 Geography
 History text books
General Structure

 General Statement
It is the general statement about the phenomenon
isue which is to be explained .
 A Squence explanation
It consists of squenced explanation of why/how
something occurs, or a series of cronological steps
which explain ‘how’ or ‘why’ something happens.
Language feature of Explanation

 Focus on generic, non-human paticipants, or things.

 Use of Simple Present Tense.
 Use of temporal and causal conjunctions.
 Sometimes, use of Passive Voice.
Note :
The difference of Explanation Text and
Procedure Text

Explanation Text Procedure

• It is an instruction text which

• It is scientific written mateial decribes how to make something.

• It uses passive voice in building • It uses ‘to infinitive’ or ‘ command

the text. word’ in building the text.

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