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ENG 229 BF_Midterm Test

Group 2: Ticket 1
Hạ Lam, Tuyết Thy, Phương Anh, Phú Quang,
Thị Hiếu, Hồng Loan
Part I: describe a picture.

_ When i look at the picture, i can see a family enjoying a

birthday party together.
_ In the middle of the picture, there is a medium sized
cake and it is decorated with cherries and some chocolate
around the surface of the cake.
_ Behind the cake, the mother is holding a phone to
capture the moment and they are all wearing colored hats,
smiling brightly and posing cute.
_ Also. on the table, there are many cupcakes, candies
and juices for the birthday party.
_ All in all, the birthday party looks fun and everyone
seems excited.
_ Hello Jennifer Johnson. My name is Kaylin. I’m
Part III: propose a calling from the restaurant you ordered food from
today. I’m the manager of the restaurant. And I’m
solution returning your call this morning.
_ We are so sorry to keep you waiting for your food
for so long.
- The food delivery system was errored, which
Here is the problem: made the address mistaken.
- I wanna give you a free shipping coupon to you
Hi, this is Jennifer Johnson. I’m for your next delivery.
calling to complain about the - Once again, I’m so sorry about our blunder
food that we ordered today was annoyed you and I make sure this problem won’t
delivered too late. This made us happen again. Hope this error doesn’t make you
pretty annoyed because we had misunderstand us. Have a nice day Ma’am.
to be back to work on time.
Thank you.
PART IV: Express an Opinion (3 marks) Directions: In this part of the test, you will give your opinion about a specific topic. Be sure to say
as much as you can. No preparation time is provided. You will have 30 seconds to respond to each question.

Topic: Happiness is considered very important in life. What factors are important in achieving happiness? Use specific reasons and
examples to support your answer.

_ Happiness is an indispensable emotional factor that we usually pursue in our everyday life.
It would be intractable to define happiness because it differs from person to person and it
can’t be explained in one word. Nonetheless, there are various factors which considered
being crucial in acquiring happiness.

_ There are some vital factors that are commonly regarded as the main ingredients to be
happy in life. First of all, physical and psychological soundness is very important to be
happy. According to a study, physical activity triggers the release of brain chemicals that can
make people feel relaxed and happier. Economic freedom or ability to fulfil the needs in life,
is the second most important factor to be happy. For instant, wealth people can buy anything
that makes them happy with their enormous financial capacity.
PART IV: Express an Opinion (3 marks) Directions: In this part of the test, you will give your opinion about a specific topic. Be sure to say
as much as you can. No preparation time is provided. You will have 30 seconds to respond to each question.

Topic: Happiness is considered very important in life. What factors are important in achieving happiness? Use specific reasons and
examples to support your answer.

_ In addition, family happiness brings the great meaning. Family is where we feel the
warmth that no other place has. When living in a happy family, we will have joy in life.
Thence, we have comfortable mind to study and work. Besides, family is always a strong
spiritual support, a source of strength for us to overcome many difficulties, an
encouragement for many successes in life. Therefore, family can be considered as an
important factor for us to achieve happiness in life.

_ In conclusion, due to a nature of happiness, we are only able to describe this emotion
by linking it with our surrounding environment and various stimulating factors. I
believe, even if the happiness is a relative term, the path of achieving it is common for
Part IV: (tự chọn) What are the benefits and drawbacks of the

_ The Internet plays an important role in our modern life. However, every coin has two sides
and we can find out pros and cons of the internet by my following provement.

_ On one hand, the internet makes communication easier than ever before. Whether you are
meeting up with friends or family members, or keeping in touch with someones who live far
away, going online means you don’t have to leave home. The internet is also a great place to
built a digital identity and share your passions with the world. Moreover, the internet is full
of all the information we need to know and usually shows up the search results in a short
time. For example, when we need to find some information about a historical event, just enter
the date in the search bar, press enter button and then the results will appear immediately for
Part IV: (tự chọn) What are the benefits and drawbacks of the

_ On the other hand, children today lose communication skills due to using Internet. Instead of
interacting with people in real life, children prefer to communicate on computers. That makes them
passive and difficult to socialize. A major drawback to being online is the many hours that people spend
looking at screens each days. This can have negative consequences on your health and well-being. In
addition, it may become a distraction, causing us to work ineffectively. Finally, private data leakage is
also a huge awareness of the internet .You can be tracked on the Internet by hackers or unauthorized
persons; they can be harmful to you by stealing your personal information. If you are spending your
more time on the Internet, it will be easier for hackers to find personal information through various aim.

_ In conclusion, although the internet has greatly benefited people in different ways, it has some
drawbacks. But it can be effectively managed with the right rules, regulations, and parental oversight.
Moreover, user need to alert and protect themselves from risks of using it.

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