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•An informative essay is a form writing that teaches the

reader about a topic in an unbiased manner.

• Structure of Informative Essay

I. Introduction
 Present thesis statement and grab the attention of the reader
 Provide any pertinent definitions, and briefly describe what will
be covered.
 Introduction must clearly state what readers are about to explore
I. The Body
 Expound thesis statement and grab attention of the audience with solid
facts, statistics, statements, and other supporting details.
I. The Conclusion
 Summarize the essay in a paragraph
 Offer up a few closing remarks that gloss over most important elements of
your essay.
Types of Informative Essay
1. Definition- explains the meaning of word, idea, or concept. The topic can be a concrete subject such
as an animal or plant, or it can be an abstract term, such as freedom r love.
2. Classification- breakdown a broad subject or idea into categories and groups. The writer organizes
the essay by starting with the most general category and then defines and gives examples of each
specific classification.
3. Compare and contrast- describe the similarities and differences between two or more people,
places, or things. Comparison tell how things are alike and contrast shows how they are different.
4. Cause and effect- explain how things affect each other and depend on each other. The writer
identifies a clear relationship between two subjects, focusing on why things happen (causes) and/or
what happens as a result (effects).
5. How to- Sometimes called process essays, explain a procedure, step-by-step process, or how to do
something with the goal of instructing the reader.
Writing an Informative Essay
A. Deciding on the Topic
Here are some guidelines in deciding on the topic of your
informative essay:
1. Generate Ideas through brainstorming.
2. Narrow down your list.
3. Decide on your topic.
4. From your list of topics, choose one from which you will develop your
5. Write your thesis statement.
B. Researching on the topic
The best informative speech is one that is founded on
knowledge. Therefore, do your research! Read about your chosen
topic and as you read, expect that new ideas will be generated.
You may even decide on changing your topic to something more
The secret to valuable research is enjoying the learning and
taking down notes. Do not expect to remember everything you
have read. Be sure that you are noting important details you will
need in composing your speech.
• Here are some things to remember as you sit down to write your
informative essay.

1. Consider the audience. Keep in mind that an effective speech is one that
catches the audience’s attention and holds it until the end. Your preparation
will be put to waste if your audience will not listen to you.

2. Make your script brief but comprehensive. Make sure to include all necessary
information but keep it short. Your research and readings is the key to
achieving this goal. It is wise to know ow many minutes is given to you to
deliver your speech and then stick to the time allotment.

3. Prepare an outline before writing. You will review about writing an outline in
the next lesson. For the meantime, think about your powerful introduction,
substantial body, and interesting conclusion.

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