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What am I?

The riddle game

? ?

1. I am a professional who helps
individuals and businesses
manage their financial
records and taxes. Who am I?
I am a professional
who helps individuals
and businesses
manage their
financial records and
taxes. Who am I? Accountant
2. I am a tool used to calculate
and verify the accuracy of
financial calculations. What
am I?
I am a tool used to
calculate and verify the
accuracy of financial
calculations. What am I?
3. I am a person who takes
financial risks in order to
start and operate a business.
Who am I? ?
I am a person who
takes financial risks in
order to start and
operate a business.
Who am I?
4. I am a process of examining
data or information to uncover
patterns, relationships, or
insights. What am I?
I am a process of
examining data or
information to uncover
patterns, relationships,
or insights. What am I?
5. I am a process of
coordinating and overseeing
activities to achieve

organizational goals. What
am I?
I am a process of
coordinating and
overseeing activities
to achieve
organizational goals.
What am I? Management
6. I am a system or structure
designed to arrange and
coordinate various elements

to achieve a specific goal.
What am I?
I am a system or
structure designed to
arrange and
coordinate various
elements to achieve a
specific goal. What Organization
am I?
7. I am the process of
identifying and satisfying
customer needs profitably.
What am I?
I am the process of
identifying and
satisfying customer
needs profitably. What
am I? Marketing
8. I am a system that holds
individuals or organizations
responsible for their actions
and outcomes. What am I?
I am a system that
holds individuals or
responsible for their
actions and
outcomes. What am Accountability
9. I am an entity that engages
in the production, sale, or
exchange of goods or
services. What am I?
I am an entity that
engages in the
production, sale, or
exchange of goods or
services. What am I? Business
I am a term for the duty or
obligation to fulfill one's
tasks or duties. What am I?
I am a term for the
duty or obligation to
fulfill one's tasks or
duties. What am I?

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