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Monday & Thursday (3:30 pm to 5:00 pm)


The world system is composed of nation-states. Every state plays as unitary actor, and their
actions are explained in terms of structural characteristics of the global interstate system which
administers power distribution. Eventually, in the birth and growth of globalization, the impact of
interstate system and the roles of nation-states have changed. Globalization entails to the fading and total
dissolve of the economic, social and cultural borders between countries. It has created a sense of
interdependence among nations which has also created an uneven distribution of power among countries
of different economic strengths.

In terms of global interdependence, the role of nation-state is to regulate and organize the
domestic agendas to fit the economic, social and political global scope. But as the globalization
continuously trends, nation-state’s roles are being run-over by the prioritization of the global oriented
activities. This made the impact of interstate system less visible and irrelevant to globalization.

The power distribution driven by the interstate system has been neglected in terms of economics.
It is undeniable and very evident that globalization is being dominated by transnational corporations.
Since these transnational corporations are being controlled by the capitalists, similarly, they are using
the world as the playground for their businesses where all their cards can lead to victory because they
can control their own game. This means that the nation-states are now less powerful and being
overpowered by the capitalists who have now the advantage in economic role distribution. Another
example is the impact of globalization in raising the living standards throughout the world. Other
scholars believe that it will become possible through “trickle down” effect-the bit by bit flow of wealth
from rich to poor. But it is very questionable if it is really working because it does not any positive
result. China’s profit increases while hunger in Africa still exists. The wealthiest countries become even
richer while the poor ones suffer in poverty even more. Where is now the regulatory role of the nation-
states? They are letting the capitalists to prosper while neglecting worst economic issues which remain
unaddressed for the past years. Additionally, the development of free trade in the global market and the
liberalization of free market economy have removed the national government’s power and have reduced
it into a platform. At the same time, they have made the nation-state to be a beneficiary only of the
outputs of financial globalization and to be a least contributor.

As the world becomes even more globalize, the political power of the nation-states has been
transferred to the most powerful financial and corporate institutions. This made the nation-states to have
less power in administering the financial oriented activities of the International Monetary Fund (IMF),
World Back (WB) as well as the World Trade Organization (WTO). This also made the regulations in
global politics become in favor of those countries that can contribute and participate well in global
trades. Globalization is supposed to cushion the socio-economic and political environment and yet it is
apparent that the ground for operation is uneven. The roles of the nation-states at the entrance of
globalization have proved to be oozing into a world of complexity as divided attention on whether to
address the liberties and the welfare of the citizens or satisfy the demands of the global village
persistently creates an evolving dilemma. The imbalance in global politics is very evident. Just like in
economic aspect, the nation-states used to go with the flow of the systems made by globalization while
putting less prioritization on existing issues. The global politics are now therefore putting more
emphasis on producing money than solving conflicts hidden in the economic shadows.

A nation state is also defined as a state in which a great majority shares the same culture and is
conscious of it. The nation state is an ideal in which cultural boundaries match up with political ones.
This definition has now become irrelevant as globalization grows. Instead of promoting and accepting
multiculturalism among countries, clash of culture has been made and it is very evident today. Just like
in the Philippines, there is a certain issue about neglecting the Filipino-country’s national language to
prioritize more in English acquisition because of its communicative demand in globalization. Countries
have the conclusion that culture is one of the big factors in socio-economic and political progress. Since
globalization has formulated global competitiveness between countries, it has also created a cultural
battlefield wherein powerful countries still have the advantage. The less powerful become absorbed by
the most powerful, thus resulting in advanced cultural homogeneity based on power. Because of
globalization, nation-states become weak in regulating even cultural diversities between countries.

Overall, there is a serious lag between what globalization supposed to create and what it has been
creating today. It has been providing opportunities for the powerful ones. But it is undeniable that there
are still countries being left behind. The global economy has been sustainably becoming prosperous. But
there a lot of issues remain unsolved. This means that the globalization has overtaken the impact of
interstate system and has made the nation-states’ global regulatory roles in terms of economy, politics
and culture irrelevant.

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