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 1. to identify the goals and
scope of counselling.
 2. Infer your own perspective

on the purpose of counselling

by citing applicable situation.
Let’s Start!
 When was the last time you ask for

 To whom did you ask from help?

 Why did you ask for help?

Learning Activities 1: REBOOT YOUR
 What profession helps address a person’s
specific projects, business successes, general
conditions and transitions in life,
relationships, or profession.
 What is the field of applied social sciences

that provides guidance, help, and support to

individuals who are distraught by a diverse
set of problems in their lives.
Learning Activities 2: RECALL AND
 What can counseling provide to an individual?


Learning Activities 3: READ AND
1. The counselor shares confidential personal information with another
family member when there is no handled by professionally trained
person who helped solved problems to orient and direct him towards a

2.The counselor attempts to solve the problem compelling reason to

do so.

3. The counselor forms a too-close relationship with a client

4.The counselor labels the client.

5.Counselling is a specific process of assistance extended by an expert

in an individual situation to a needy person
What is Counselling?
 Counseling – For Nystul (2003)
defined it as basically an art and a
science wherein you endeavor to
weigh the objective and subjective
facets of the counselling process
As an art
 is the subjective dimension of
counseling. It upholds a flexible and
creative process whereby the
counselor modifies the approach to
meet the developing needs of the
As a science
 As a science, on the other hand, is the
objective dimension of the counseling
 In practical terms, counseling happens when
a person who is distressed asks for help and
permit another person to enter into a kind of
connection with him/her. It is indicative with
formal of someone in search of counselling
requests for time and attention from person
who will listen, who will allow him/her to
speak and who will not condemn and criticize
 Informal helping- is a kin with formal helping in
some ways such as presence of good listening
skills, empathy, and caring capacity.

Based on Guidance and Counseling Act of 2004,

guidance and counselling is the profession that
implicates the application of “ an integrated approach
to the development of a well-functioning individual “
through the provision of support that aids an
individual to use his/her potential to the fullest in
accord with his/her interest , needs and abilities.
 Counselling is a discipline that is
involved in the provision of advice or
guidance in decision-making
especially in emotionally significant
situations. It is a avenue where
trustworthy experts help clients
explore and understand their worlds
and so discover better ways of
thinking and living.
What is the purpose of Counseling?
 The ultimate aim of counseling is
to enable the client to make their
own choices, reach their own
decisions and act on them. (www.
Goals of Counseling
 1. Development Goals – assist in meeting or
advancing the clients human growth and
development including social, personal,
emotional, cognitive, and physical wellness. 2.
Preventive Goals – helps the client avoid some
undesired outcome. E.g. failing grades, 3.
Enhancement Goals- enhance special skills and
 4. Remedial Goals – assisting a client to
overcome and treat an undesirable
 5. Exploratory Goals- examining options, testing of
skills, trying new and different activities, etc
 6. Reinforcement Goals- helps client in recognizing,

that what they are doing, thinking, and feeling is fine

 7. Cognitive Goals-involves acquiring the basic

foundation of learning and cognitive skills

 8. Physiological Goals – involves acquiring the basic

understanding and habits for good health 9.

Psychological Goals – aids in developing good social
interaction skills, learning emotional control, and
developing positive self – concept
Scope of counselling
 • Adolescent identity, concerns, teen-parent relationships, peer relationships
 • Anxiety
 • Anger management
 • Children’s concerns within the family unit, sibling relationships, school
experiences, peer relationships
 • Depression
 • Family of origin dynamics and issues
 • Gender: identity, sexuality, homosexuality
 • Relationships: personal and interpersonal dynamics
 • Sexual abuse recovery
 • Seniors: challenges, limitations, transitions
 Singles: single, newly single, single through divorce or being widowed
 Spirituality
 • Stress management
 • Workplace stress and relationships
 • Young adult: identity, relationships, vocation
Scope of counseling
Marital and relational dynamics
 Extended family relationships
 Fertility issues
Scope of counseling
 • Adolescent and child behaviors within

family dynamics
 • Adult children
 • Divorce and separation issues and

 • Family dynamics: estrangement, conflict,

 • Family of origin / extended family issues
 • Life stages and transitions
Task 1
 As a Grade 12 HUMSS Student and as a growing and
developing teenager, you definitely experiencing
problems and issues in different aspects of your
life. Relate any of your major difficulties with the
goals of counseling. In 200 words, answer How will
counselling help you get through with your
problems? Make sure that you aligned your
problems with the counseling goals. Write your
answer on a separate paper. Attach it in thi
 Example: Counseling Goal: Remedial Goals -
Problems: Low Grades s module.

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