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Importance of the

- Without it the life of ALL the living things will
cease to exist.
A. Protective layer of the
The atmosphere serves as the blanket that
protects Earth from extreme heat during the day
and intense cold during the night. It also protects
the planet from the excessive ultraviolet rays of
the sun.
B. Medium of Transport and
Buoyant force – birds, airplanes and hot air balloons
The wind energy – sailboats and windmills
AIR – medium to transport electromagnetic waves such as radio,
and sound waves used in television and radio broadcasting
Moving air – contributes to the formation of soil layers.
C. Medium for Exchange of

The CARBON-OXYGEN cycle – Plants absorbs

Carbon dioxide and releases oxygen. Animals, inhale
Oxygen and exhales Carbon dioxide.
D. Determinants The Amount Of

Different gasses, particles and water droplets

comprise the atmosphere. The presence of the
different gasses in the atmosphere affects the
amount of sunlight that reaches Earth’s surface.

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