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Empirical and Molecular Formulas


 We learned how to calculate the molar

mass of compounds.
 Calculate the molar mass of Ca(CN)2.
 1 x Ca = 1 x 40.08 g/mol = 40.08 g/mol

 2 x C = 2 x 12.01 g/mol = 24.02 g/mol

 2 x N = 2 x 14.01 g/mol = 28.02 g/mol

 TOTAL = 92.12 g/mol


 We also learned how to determine the

percentage composition of a compound.
 Calculate the % composition of Ca(CN)2.
 %Ca = (40.08)/(92.12) x 100% = 43.51% Ca
 %C = (24.02)/(92.12) x 100% = 26.07% C
 %N = (28.02)/(92.12) x 100% = 30.42% N
Empirical Formulas

 Molecular Formula (MF) - shows how

many atoms are actually in a molecule.
 EXAMPLE: Glucose has the MF C6H12O6.
 EXAMPLE: Water has the MF H2O.

Empirical Formulas

 Empirical Formula (EF) - shows the

lowest whole-number ratio of atoms in a
 EXAMPLE: Glucose has the EF CH2O.
 EXAMPLE: Water has the EF H O.
 Different cmpds can have different MFs but
have the same EF.
 EXAMPLE: NO and N O have different MFs
2 2 4
but the same EF (NO2).
Empirical Formulas

 You can discover the empirical formula

of a compound if you know the %
 Will NOT tell you which molecular
formula is correct!
Empirical Formulas

 An unknown compound is analyzed:

 15.77% carbon
 84.23% sulfur
 Calculate the EF.
Empirical Formulas
 First, assume you have exactly 100
grams of the sample.
 Why 100 grams?
 Because percents become grams.
 In 100 grams of this compound you
would have:
 15.77 g C
 84.23 g S
Empirical Formulas
 Next, change grams to moles.
1 mol C
 15.77 g C x = 1.313 mol C
12.01 g C

1 mol S
x = 2.626 mol S
 84.23 g S 32.07 g S
Empirical Formulas
 The formula so far:
 C1.313S2.626
 Divide all subscripts by the lowest one.
 CS2
 This is the empirical formula of our
mystery compound.
 We don’t know if it’s the correct molecular
 Could be CS2, C2S4, C3S6, C4S8, etc...
Empirical Formulas
 A mystery compound has the following
 3.0856% hydrogen
 31.604% phosphorus
 65.310% oxygen
 What is this compound’s empirical
Empirical Formulas
 Convert grams to moles.

 3.0856 g H x = 3.0613 mol H

 31.604 g P x = 1.0203 mol P

 65.310 g O x = 4.0820 mol O

 Formula so far: H3.0613P1.0203O4.0820

 Reduced: H3PO4
Empirical Formulas
 A mystery compound has the following
 25.940% nitrogen
 74.060% oxygen
 What is this compound’s empirical
Empirical Formulas
 Convert grams to moles.

 25.940 g N x = 1.8520 mol N

 74.060 g O x = 4.6289 mol O

 Formula so far: N1.8520O4.6289

 Reduced: NO2.5
 Double subscripts to eliminate fractions.
 N2O5
Molecular Formulas
 If we know a compound’s empirical formula
and its molar mass, we can work out its
molecular formula.
 Benzene, a common non-polar solvent, has the
empirical formula CH and a molar mass of 78.12
 Formula mass of CH: 13.02 g/mol
 How many times does this go into 78.12 g/mol?
 78.12 g/mol  13.02 g/mol = 6 times
 Molecular formula of benzene = (CH)6 = C6H6
Molecular Formulas
 The empirical formula of uracil (a base found in
RNA) is C2H2NO. If the molar mass of uracil is
122.09 g/mol, what is the molecular formula of
 Formula mass of C2H2NO: 56.05 g/mol
 How many times does this go into 122.09 g/mol?
 122.09 g/mol  56.05 g/mol ≈ 2
 Molecular formula of uracil = (C2H2NO)2 = C4H4N2O2

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