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Shahnaaz Parveen
Recap – Number system
If I ask you to count these chocolates
How do you start counting ?
Like : 1,2,3,4……..

Natural numbers are a part of the number system,

including all the positive numbers from 1 to infinity. Natural
numbers are also called counting numbers because they
do not include zero or negative numbers.

The set of whole numbers is the same as the set of natural

numbers, except that it includes an additional number which is
0. The set of whole numbers in Mathematics is written as
{0,1,2,3,...}. It is denoted by the letter, W.
W = {0,1,2,3,4…}
Difference Between Natural Numbers and Whole Numbers

Natural Number Whole Number

The set of natural numbers is N= The set of whole numbers is

{1,2,3,...∞} W={0,1,2,3,...}

The smallest natural number is 1. The smallest whole number is 0.

All natural numbers are whole numbers,

Each whole number is a natural number,
but all whole numbers are not natural
except zero.
Natural Numbers on Number Line

The set of natural numbers and whole numbers can be shown on the
number line as given below. All the positive integers or the integers
on the right-hand side of 0, represent the natural numbers, whereas,
all the positive integers along with zero, represent the whole
What is an Integer?
Integers include all whole numbers and negative numbers. This means
if we include negative numbers along with whole numbers, we form a
set of integers.

Definition of Integers
An integer is a number with no decimal or fractional part and it
includes negative and positive numbers, including zero. A few
examples of integers are: -5, 0, 1, 5, 8, 97, and 3,043. A set of integers,
which is represented as Z, includes:
•Positive Numbers: A number is positive if it is greater than zero.
Example: 1, 2, 3 . . .
•Negative Numbers: A number is negative if it is less than zero.
Example: -1, -2, -3 . . .
•Zero is defined as neither a negative number nor a positive number. It
is a whole number.
Z = {... -7, -6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, ...}
Graphing Integers on a Number Line
Positive and negative integers can be visually represented on a number line. 
Integers on a number line help in performing arithmetic operations. The basic points to keep in
mind while placing integers on a number line are as follows:
•The number on the right side is always greater than the number on the left side.
•Positive numbers are placed on the right side of 0, because they are greater than 0.
•Negative numbers are placed on the left side of 0, because they are smaller than 0.
•Zero, which is not positive or negative, is usually kept in the middle.

6. In each of the following pairs, which number is to the right of the

other on the number line?

(a) 2, 9 (b) – 3, – 8 (c) 0, – 1 (d) – 11, 10 (e) – 6, 6 (f) 1, – 100

7. Write all the integers between the given pairs (write them in the increasing order.)

(a) 0 and – 7 (b) – 4 and 4 (c) – 8 and – 15 (d) – 30 and – 23


I. Steps on How to Add Numbers on the Number Line

As indicated in the diagram:

To add a positive number means that we move the point to the right of the number line.
Similarly, to add a negative number implies that we move the point to the left of the number
Examples of Adding Numbers on the Number Line

Example 1: Simplify by adding the numbers, 2 + 4.

The first step is to locate the first number which is 2 on the number line.

Adding 4 means we have to move the point, 4 units to the right.

After doing so, we end up at 6. Therefore, 2 + 4 = 6.

Example 2: Simplify by adding the numbers, 3 + (–5).
Locate the first point, 3, on the number line.

Now, we are going to add -5 which tells us to move the point, 5 units

going to the left.

We arrive at −2. That’s why 3 + (–5) = –2.

Example 3: Simplify by adding the numbers, –6 + 5.
Find where −6 is on the number line. To add 5, the original point will be
moved 5 units to the right.

This gives us –6 + 5 = –1.
Addition And Subtraction Of Integers

Adding two positive integers results in positive integers,

whereas adding two negative integers will result in the sum with a negative sign.
But, the addition of two different signed integers will result in subtraction only and the
sign of the result will be the same as the larger number has. See a few examples

•2+2 = 4
•2 + (-2) = 0
•-2 + (-2) = -4
•-2 – (-2) = 0
Addition of Integers
The three main possibilities in the addition of integers are:
•Addition between two positive numbers
•Addition between two negative numbers
•Addition between a positive number and a negative

Type of Numbers Operation Result Example

Positive + Positive Add Positive (+) 10 + 15 = 25

Negative + Negative Add Negative (-) (-10) + (-15) = -25

Positive + Negative* Subtract Positive (+) (-10) + 15 =5

Negative + Positive* Subtract Negative (-) 10 + (-15)= -5

Adding of integers

When two positive integers are added the result will be a positive integer.
Ex. 10 + 3 = 13
When two negative integers are added the result will be a negative integer.
Ex. (-1) + (-3) = - 4
When a positive integer and a negative integer are added, the result will be a negative or positive integer.
Ex. (-3) + 5 = 2 and 3+ (-5) = -2
We take their difference and place the sign of the bigger integer.

Additive inverse

Additive inverses are the opposite integer to the given integer.

Let us say the number 7.
Additive inverse of an integer 7 is (– 7) and additive inverse of (– 7) is 7.
Subtraction of Integers

Like in addition, the subtraction of integers also has three possibilities. They are:
•Subtraction between two positive numbers
•(+ 2 )– (+6 )
•Subtraction between two negative numbers
•(-2) – (-6)
•Subtraction between a positive number and a negative number
• (-2) –(+6)
For ease of calculation, we need to renovate subtraction problems the addition
Steps on How to Subtract Integers

Step 1: Transform the subtraction of integers problem into addition

of integers problem. Here’s how:

First, keep the first number (known as the minuend).

Second, change the operation from subtraction to addition.

Third, get the opposite sign of the second number (known as the


Finally, proceed with the regular addition of integers.

Examples of Integer Subtractions

Example 1: Subtract the integers below.

The difference of negative 13 and positive 4 which can be written as



We will need to transform the problem from subtraction to addition.

To do that, we keep the first number which is –13, change the operation from subtraction
to addition, then switch the sign of + 4 to –4
-13 –( +4)

-13 + (-4)

arrow pointing down showing equivalent expression of integer subtraction

Negative 13 minus positive 4 can be expressed as negative 13 plus negative 4.
The final step is to proceed with regular addition. Add their absolute values.
Then we determine the sign of the final answer. Since we are adding integers
with the same sign, we will keep the common sign which in this case is
Example 2: Subtract the integers below.
Positive 9 subtracted by negative 3 which can be
expressed as +9-(-3)

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