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By Ritu Gupta
Thought of the Day

Knowledge is Power !
Revision – Number System
 Positive Numbers
1,2,3,4,5 ……
 Whole Numbers – Positive numbers including zero
0,1,2,3,4,5 ……
 Negative Numbers ( Opposite of Positive Numbers )
-1,-2,-3,-4,-5 ……
 Would you rather go outside when it's 40 degrees or when
it's 60 degrees?

 How about if you lived in Hill station, would you rather go

out in -2 degrees or -15 degrees?
What is an Integer?

 Aninteger is a positive or negative whole number, including 0.

 We can say that Integers are set of whole numbers and negative
 Ex:
…. -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, …
Types Of Integers
 Integers can be either positive or negative. The only exception to this rule is the
integer 0 which is neither positive nor negative.

Positive Integers Negative Integers

Positive Integers are written with or without a Negative Integers are written with a minus sign.
plus sign. E.g. +5, +2, 8 E.g. -5, -2, -8

On the number line, these are the numbers to On the number line, these are the numbers to
the right of zero the left of zero.
Negative Integers Positive Integers
There are “4” Integer Operations

 Addition +
 Subtraction -
 Multiplication x
 Division ÷
Adding Integers
 The sum of two positive integers is always positive.
 The sum of two negative integers is always negative.
 When you add a positive and negative integer, you are really subtracting. Then,
you give the answer the sign of the greater absolute value.
 Ex:

5 + (-1) = -4

-5 + 1 = 4

-5 + (-5) = 0
Subtracting Integers
 To subtract an integer, add its opposite.
 You will need to correctly change all subtraction problems into addition problems!
 Ex:
5 – (-2) = 5 + 2= 7

-5 – 2 = -5 + (-2) = -7
Multiplication and Division have same rules
 If the signs are the same, your answer is always positive.
 If the signs are different, your answer is always negative.
 Positive x Positive = Positive 6 x 3 = 18
 Negative x Negative = Positive (-6) x (-3) = 18
 Positive x Negative= Negative 6 x (-3) = (-18)
 Negative x Positive = Negative (-6) x 3 = (-18)
Absolute Value
 The absolute value of an integer is its distance from zero on the number line.
 The symbol used to denote the absolute value is, two vertical lines (| |), one on
either side of an integer.
 This value is always positive.
 Ex:
|-5 | = 5
Integers Recap
 In this lesson you learned:
 What are integers
 How integers are represented on a number line
 How to write positive and negative integers
 Positive and negative integers are equal and opposite
 4 Operations on Integers
 Absolute Value of Integers
Fill in the blanks :
(i) Negative of -20 is ……….
(ii) Negative of 0 is …………
(iii) Negative of 8 is ………..
(iv) If 10 represents gain of ₹ 10, then -10 represents …………..
(v) If going south is negative then going north is …………
Use a number line to write the following integers in ascending
(increasing) order :

(i) -5, 8, 0, -9, 4, -14 and 12

(ii) -6, 7, 0, -9, 5 and 9

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