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Group 2

Persons and Career

After going through this

lesson, you are expected
1. explain that through
understanding of the concepts of
career and life goals can help in
planning his/her career; and

2. identify the personal factors that

can influence their career choices;

Persons and Career 2

What is career?
Career is one of the most important aspects which all of us are
concerned about in our entire life. According to Advance Learner’s
Dictionary, career means a profession or occupation giving us
multitudes of opportunities for promotion.
Occupation means a job or an employment. It helps us to earn a
livelihood or profession. It also means paid occupation, especially one
that requires advanced education and training, e.g. architecture, law,
engineering or medicine, etc. So a career is not simply a job, an
employment to earn a livelihood.

Career 3
A job is a certain position an
individual hold doing specific
duties. For example, if you would
look closely at the job of a lawyer,
you can say that a lawyer’s job is
working as an associate in X Law
A job or profession or an employment can
be called a career only when it gives
opportunity for progress and advancement as
human needs gradually changing. Moreover, a
job or employment to be called as a career
must offer adequate opportunities to satisfy or
meet those changing needs. Thus, a job or
profession must be dynamic enough to fulfil
one’s aspirations or ambitions before calling it
Presentation title
a career in real terms.
Factors to Consider in Choosing Future Career
Intelligence comprises your I.Q., Social Intelligence
and Emotional Intelligence (E.Q.). The Total intelligence
is more important to be successful in life and career than
simply having a high I.Q. There are many instances
where an academically brilliant executive, considered a
genius in his field but had failed miserably in his career.
He failed because he did not have required social
intelligence and emotional stability.

A person may be an Introvert or Extrovert. One can be a
Dominating personality or Submissive personality. If you are an
Introvert, you should not select a career that needs people with
Extrovert nature. You may be too social or you prefer to be
lonesome to do creative work. Only you can judge your personality
and choose what is best for you. So always give to your personality
factor while deciding on your future career.

All work is hard unless you care for it, show interest
and have passion in it. You may have the ability,
aptitude, financial backing or any other support but if
interest is absent it is no use. However, it must also be
said that too much interest towards an occupation does
not guarantee success in that field if other factors are
also considered.

If one is good at art, it would be really miserable for
him to take up a career where he has to work in a machine
All jobs make varying degree of physical activities and
demands. The choice of a career should be made after carefully
considering all the relevant facts associated with it. Hence, a man
with a poor health and heart problem should not engage in a
career in the mountain brigade of the army.
As perceived men and women are socially and legally
equal, but nature has given them different physique and
capabilities too. Some careers are more well- suited to
men than women. Consequently, this factor should also
be kept in mind while choosing a career. Some careers
need an early entry to be successful for this may only
result to frustration.

Persons and Career 10

Influences on Career Decisions
Parents have the biggest influence on a child's career choice.
Find out who and what else will influence a young person's
career decisions.
The child is also influenced by:
• Career selections and interests of their older brother or sister
• Needs, opinions and work of their parents
• Family work traditions or family aspirations for the future
• Limits to your family's experience of different career choices
• Negative beliefs like as “He’ll never amount to anything”, or
“I’m a failure and so is she”.

The child's friends can:

• Pressure your child to form constant choice as them

regarding careers and effort leaving school.
• Be good or poor role models
• As a boyfriend or girlfriend pressure your child to settle
on study or a job in their city. 13

Cultural influences on your child's career choices return

• Their neighborhood, ethnic group and social group
• Popular culture like TV and movies
• Role models – winning and famous individuals
• Money – lack of money will limit choices
• Government policy and economics both local and globally 14
Teachers/career Advisers

Teachers and careers advisers can:

• Inspire, motivate and inform your child
• See your child's talent, skills and aptitudes for
certain careers.
• Offer resources, work expertise opportunities and

Your child will notice career information from:

• Online career websites, apps and newspapers

• Career designing and assistance books.

Persons and Career 16

“ “
It’s not what you achieve, it’s what
you overcome. That’s what defines
your career.
(Carlton Fisk)

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