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Second Chapter : ASKING and Reporting Health System

Nurse’s questions to check the patient’s complaint / condition :

• l. What’s the problem ?

• 2. How are you feeling today ?
• 3. What makes you call me ?
• 4. What’s your chief complaint ?
• 5. What’s troubling you ?
• 6. What’s the matter with you ?
• 7. What’s wrong with you ?
• 8. What seems to be bothering you ?
• 9. Doctor : “What are the symptoms ? / What is he complaining about ?

Vocabulary :
• Break : patah Bowel movement : b.a.b.
• Bother : mengganggu Water works : b.a.k.
• Constipation : sembelit Lassitude : lemas / kelesuan
• In a bad shape : kondisinya tdk sehat Not in any shape : tdk ckp sehat utk kerja

• Clammy : basah, tangan basah berkeringat Dribble : buang air kecil tdk lancar.
Patient’s expression about symptoms and physical problems :

1. I have + ( a part of the body + ache )

a foot ache, a stomachache, a backache, a headache, a toothache.
2. I have ( a sore parts of the body )
a sore throat, a sore foot, a sore arm, a sore knee.
3. I have / get + kinds physical problems
the measles, the flu, a cold, bad cough, a fever
4. I feel + kinds of physical problems
dizzy, sick, fever, cold and clammy, unwell, in bad shape
5. I experience + kinds of symptoms and physical problems.
lassitude, low back pain, difficulty breathing, cold and clammy.
6. I suffer from + kinds of certain illness.
cancer, constipation.
7. I sprained my (possessive) + joint / bones problems :
broke, hurt, ankle, collarbone, leg, arm.
8. I cut + my (possessive) + parts of the body (head, leg, hand, etc).
Nurse’s report / Diagnosis / how to report on a patient’s condition / complaint

Reporting :
• He / she complains about his / her + part of the body.
has + a health problem
suffers from + a health problem

Nursing Diagnose :
He / she may have……….+ a disease / health problem seems to have………….

Example : Doctor : What is his complaint, nurse ?

Nurse : (1) He has sore throat….?
Doctor : Other symptoms ?
Nurse : Yes, (2) Has he another symptoms ? Does he has another symptom ?
Doctor : Is there (3). Yes it is ?
Nurse : Yes, a bit on forehead.
Doctor : Well, let’s check his condition.
Nurse : Certainly, Doctor.
Study these useful to explore a patient’s health problems

• A. Current Pain Medication

Questions : * Did you take ( any medicine / anything ) for it (your pain) ?
* How many do you take ? (Amount)
B. Where is the pain ? Instructions : * Show me where the pain is (Place)
* Point at pain you feel (Direction)
C. Describe cause of pain, if known.
Questions : * Do you know the cause of your pain ? (Description)
* Why do you feel that ? (Reason)

D. How does the pain feel to the patient ? (Process of time)

Questions : What is the pain like ? (Feeling)
Is it sharp, dull, stabbing, aching ?
E. Frequency of pain. Questions : * How do you feel the pain ?
* Is it occasional, frequent or constant ?
F. Patient’s view of pain
Question : See the Pain Assessment For. Change them into direct questions
addressed to the patient.
Intensity Of pain ( On scale of 0—5)
Questions :
• On a scale of 0 up to 5, with five being the worst, how would you rate
what feel right now ?
NOTE : This is The Mc. Gill Pain Scale : an assessment tool in which the
nurse chooses the number that best describes a pain on a scale of zero
to five :
0 = No pain
1 = Mild pain (annoying, nagging, pinching, tight pinching)
2 = Discomforting pain (troublesome, nauseating, pressing, numb, grueling).
3 = Distressing pain (miserable, agonizing, gnawing, draining, cruel).
4 = Horrible pain (intense, dreadful, cramping, squeezing, vicious).
5 = Excruciating pain (unbearable, torturing, crushing, tearing, and killing)
Note : Pain Scale biasanya diterjemahkan : Skala nyeri di Indonesia lebih
banyak digunakan skala 0--10
Vocabulary of feeling pain :
• 1. Sharp : rasa sakit nyeri seperti ditusuk.
• 2. Dull : of pain, not sharply or clearly felt.
• 3. Agonize : to suffer great pain /anxiety.
• 4. Stabbing : menusuk nusuk.
• 5. Excruciating : pain for head.
• 6. Nagging : worry / annoy continuously.
• 7. Troublesome : mengganggu, menyulitkan
• 8. Nauseating : desire to vomit.
• 9. Grueling : very hard.
• 10. Numb : unable to feel anything / mati rasa
• 11. Miserable = very unhappy.
• 12. Gnawing =biting.
• 13. Draining = to make weak and tired by using up the force of the body,
mind feelings.
• 14. Cruel = Liking to cause pain /suffering.
• 15. Dreadful = causing great fear /anxiety.
• 16. Vicious = sakit yg hebat, menyerang tiba tiba.
• 17. Squeezing = rasa sakit yg menekan.
• 18. Cramping = severe pain from the sudden tightening of muscle caused by the cold or
too much exercise, makes movement difficult.
• 19. Horrible = unpleasant, unkind, ugly.
• 20. Torturing = great pain /suffer (person or animal) out of cruelty as a punishment.

• 21. Unbearable = rasa sakit yg tak tertahankan.

• 22. Crushing = to press with great force so as to break, hurt, destroy, the natural shape
• 23. Shooting = sakit spt kena peluru.
• 24. Stabbing = sakit yg menusuk.
• 25. Throbbing = to beat strangely and rapidly.
• 26. Hot, burning = spt kena api.
• 27. Splitting = kepala mau pecah.
• 28. Tiring = melelahkan.
• 29. Sickening = sakit.
• 30. ILL = kondisi sakit yang lama, serius, opname.

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