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Antiepilepsi & antikonvulsi

Diazepam is a long-acting benzodiazepine that exerts anxiolytic,

sedative, anticonvulsant, muscle relaxant and amnestic effect. It binds to
Acute or chronic severe respiratory insufficiency, respiratory depression,
stereospecific benzodiazepine receptors on the postsynaptic gamma-
myasthenia gravis, sleep apnoea, severe hepatic insufficiency, acute narrow-
aminobutyric acid (GABA) neuron in different regions of the central
angle glaucoma, phobic or obsessional states, chronic psychosis,
nervous system, e.g. brain and spinal cord thereby, increasing the
hyperkinesis, acute porphyria. Avoid alcohol. Infants <6 months.
inhibitory effects of GABA which is involved in sleep induction, control of
hypnosis, memory, anxiety, epilepsy and neuronal excitability.
Do not mix IV product with other medications in the same infusion solution
Pregnancy Category (US FDA)
or syringe.
IM/IV/Parenteral/PO/Rectal: D

Oral (anxiety, alcohol withdrawl syndrome, muscle spasm)

Insomnia assoc anxiety
Adl : 5-15 mg at bed time
Adjunct in seizures
Adl : 2-60 mg/d DD
Muscle spasm
Adl : 5-10 mg IV/IV per 4 h – due to tetanus : 0,1-0,3 mg/kg via slow iv / 4 h
Ch : same as adult dose
Adl : 10-20 mg via IM/slow IV  may repeated after 30-60 min max 3mg/kg
Ch : 1 m to <5y : 0,2-0,5mg via IM/slow IV every 2-5 min max 5 mg; >=5 y : 1 mg every 2-5 min max
10 mg per 2-4h
Adjunct in seizures
Adl : 0,5 mg/kg per 12 h max 30 mg
Ch : 2-5 y : 0,5mg/kg; 6-11 y : 0,3 mg/kg; >12 y same as adl per 4-12 h

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