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Women are not pregnant
 Opportunistic infection  Human imunodeficiency virus
 Cervicitis  Papillomavirus
 Endometritis  Syphilis
 Salpingitis  Chancroid
 Urinary track infection  Gonorrhea
 Pelvic inflamatory disease  Trichomoniasis
 Post-hysterectomy infection  Chlamydia
 Cervical cancer
 Tubal infertility
 Virus herpes simpleks
Opportunistic infections
 An opportunistic infection is an infection caused
by pathogens (bacteria, fungi, parasites, or viruses)
that advantage of an opportunity not normal
 The lack of or the disrution of normal vaginal
microbiota allows the poliferation of opportunistic
microorganisme and will cause the opportunistic
infection bacterial vaginosis
 Inflammation of the cervix
 It is usually caused by an infection agent
 Usually sexually transmitted
 Endometritis is inflammation of the uterine lining
 The uterus is typically aseptic. However, the travel
of microbes from the cervix and vagina can lead to
inflammation and infection
 Salpingitis is an infection causing inflammation in
the Fallopian tubes
 The infection usually has its origin in the vagina
and ascends to the Fallopian tube from there
Urinary track infection
 Is a bacterial infection of the bladder and
associated structures
 Pathogenic bacteria ascend from the perineum and
rectum, predisposing women to urinary tract
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
 Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is an infection
of the female reproductive organs
 It most often occurs when sexually transmitted
bacteria spread from your vagina to your uterus,
fallopian tubes or ovaries
 Preterm labor
 Late miscarriage
 Intrauterin fetal death
 Preterm ruptur of membrane
 Amniotic fluid infections
 Chorioamnionitis
 Post-abortion
 Postpartum infection
Premature labor
 An imbalance of the normal flora of the vagina
and the growth of pathogenic bacteria that produce
toxic and inflammatory metabolites can trigger
local and systematic inflammatory processes
 It can trigger uterine contractions, rupture of the
amniotic membrane, and premature labor
Postpartum infection
 BV can trigger inflammation of the genital tract
and reduce the body's natural resistance to
 In addition, conditions caused by pathogenic
bacteria in BV such as Gardnerella vaginalis and
Mycoplasma hominis, can produce endotoxins that
trigger a local inflammatory response and increase
the risk of infection

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