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Analisis Hasil Pemantauan

Kualitas Sedimen Sungai

Rawas dan Rupit
Uji Laboratorium di Lab Geostek- BRIN
Contaminan Factor (CF)
• Hg teridentifikasi pada matrik sedimen di Hotspot Sungai Rawas (HRP)
dengan konsentrasi 0,2 mg/kg,
• konsentrasi background 0,03 mg/kg
• Contaminan factor (CF)= nilai yang menunjukan tingkat pencemaran
• CF = Cmetal / Cbackground
• CF = 0,2/0,03 = 6,67, sangat tinggi (very high)
• Range: Low CF < 1
Moderate 1 <= CF < 3
Considerable 3 <= CF < 6
Very high CF >= 6
Pollution Load Index (Indeks Beban Pencemar)

• Pada matrik sedimen di Hotspot Sungai Rawas (HRP) Hg=0.2, Cd=30,

Pb=280, Ni=7,43, Cr=61,2, CU=103
• PLI = Pollution Load Index (Indeks Beban Pencemar)
• PLI= (CF1+CF2+CF3+……CFn)^ 0.5
• PLI + (CF Hg + CF Cr + CF Ni + CF pb)^ 0.5
• PLI = (6,6 + 35 + 2 + 7)^ 0.5 = 57,15, very highly polluted (Tercemar
sangat tinggi)
unpolluted 0 < PLI<= 1

• Range: unpolluted to moderate

1 < PLI<= 2
moderately polluted 2 < PLI<= 3
moderately to highly polluted 3 < PLI<= 4
highly polluted 4 < PLI<= 5
very highly polluted PLI > 5
Potential Ecological Risk Index dan Potential
Toxicity Response Index
Potential ecological risk index dan Potential
toxicity response index
• Pada matrik sedimen di Hotspot Sungai Rawas (HRP)
• T is the response coefficient for the toxicity of the single heavy metal
• T metal= Hg=40, Cd=30, As=10, Cu=Pb=Ni=5, Cr=2, Zn=1

• E= Potential ecological risk index for the single heavy metal pollution
• E= Cf-metal X T-metal
• RI = Potential toxicity response index for various heavy metals in the sediments (RI for short) T-metal

E- Hg 266.67high
E-Cr 70moderate
E-Ni 10low
E-Pb 35low
RI 381.67severe

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