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lesson one

making decisions

Personal Finance & Budgeting


Expenses- the cost required for something; the money spent on

Income- money received, especially on a regular basis, for work or
through investments
Balance- the amount of money owed on an account
Cash Flow- the net amount of cash and cash equivalents being
transferred in and out of a company
Credit- the ability to borrow money or access goods or services with
the understanding that you'll pay later
Debit- an entry recording an amount owed
Minimum Wage- $7 in Texas
Profit- the amount earned and the amount spent in buying, operating,
or producing something
Revenue- total money earned from goods without the expenses
Taxes- A tax is a compulsory financial charge by a governmental
organization in order to fund government spending and various public
Financial Literacy 1/12

1. Some big purchases I believe i'll make is buying a car, house, and collage.
- I will graduate from college with a degree and find a job to make these big
1. Investing is to expend money with the expectation of making
2. People choose to invest to potentially build wealth by putting
their money to work.
3. A similarity between savings and investing is they both
accumulate money for future use.
the decision-making process

• The decision-making process

• Identify the problem

• Gather information and list possible alternatives

• Consider consequences of each alternative

• Select the best course of action

• Evaluate the results

factors that can influence a decision

A. Values E. Family
• What is _important________ to your • Your family’s
family, others in your __preference________
• __Decisions ________ other
family members have made
B. Peers
• People you __know__________
• Pressure for F. Risks and

___po _Consequences _____
__negative__________ • What (or how much) you stand
behaviors to win
• What (or how much) you stand
C. Habits to lose
• You are accustomed to doing it
this way G. Age
• __Minor_________
D. Feelings (love, _anger_______, • Adult
frustration, ambivalence,
• If you do make a certain decision
• If you don’t make a certain decision
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common decision-making strategies

_spontaneity_________ Choosing the option that might achieve the
_____ best result, regardless of the risk involved.
Choosing the first option that comes to mind;
giving little or no consideration to the __avoidance_________
__consequences________ of the choice. Choosing the option that is most likely to avoid
the worst possible result.
Going along with family, school, work, or peer security
expectations_____________. Choosing the option that will bring some
success, __offend the fewest
people____________________, and pose the
_procrastination___ least risk.
Postponing thought and action until options synthesis
are limited. Choosing the __option_______ that has a
good chance to ___succeed_______ and
which you like the best.
Accumulating so much information that
analyzing the options becomes overwhelming.

Choosing an option that will be both
intellectually and emotionally satisfying.

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economic influences on decision-making

These economic factors may influence personal and financial decisions:

consumer prices money supply

changes in the __buying____________of the funds available for spending in the economy
dollar, inflation

stock market index

consumer spending (such as the Dow Jones averages, Standard &
demand for goods and services Poor’s 500) indicate general trends in the
value of U.S. stocks
gross domestic product
(_GDP____) __unemployment____________
total value of goods and services produced the number of people without employment
within the country who are willing to work

housing starts
the number of new homes being built

interest rates
the cost of __borrowing________ money

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risks associated with decision-making

Risks are associated with every __decision__________The following are

__common____________related to personal and financial decision-making:

personal risks income risk

factors that may create a changing jobs or reduced spending by
__desirable__________situation. Personal risk consumers can result in a lower income or loss
of one’s employment. ___Career
may be in the form of inconvenience,
changes_____________or job loss can result
embarrassment, safety, or in a lower income and reduced buying power.
health concerns.
liquidity risk
__Inflation_________ risk certain types of savings (certificates of
rising prices cause lower buying power. Buying deposit) and ___investments___________
an item later may mean a higher price. (real estate) may be difficult to ____convert to
cash quickly__________________.

interest-rate risk
changing interest rates
___affect___________(when borrowing) and
your benefits (when saving or investing).

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opportunity costs and the time value of money

_opportunity cost__________________refers to what a person gives up when

a decision is made. This cost, also called a trade-off, may involve one or more of
your resources (time, money, and effort).

personal opportunity costs may involve ___time, health, or

energy___________________. For example, time spent on studying usually means
lost time for leisure or working. However, this trade-off may be appropriate since
your learning and grades will likely improve.

financial opportunity costs involve _momentary values____________of

decisions made. For example, the purchase of an item with money from your
savings means you will no longer obtain interest on those funds.

time value of money can be used to __measure _________ financial opportunity

costs using interest calculations.

For example: spending $1,000 from a savings account paying 4 percent a year means an
opportunity cost of $40 in lost interest.

Calculation: ___$1000 ______x .04 (4 percent) x 1 year = __$40____

Over 10 years, that $40 a year (saved at 4 percent) would have a value of over $480 when
taking into account compound interest.

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