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Submitted by MAZIMPAKA YVES REG. NO: 17981-2021

Submitted to Lecturer


23th 09, 2021

Table of Contents

Introduction 4

1.Aim and Objectives 5

Main objective 5 Specific Objectives 5 Scope of the Project

5 Current System 6

•Expected Outcome/Deliverables 7 Proposed System 7

Strengths of the Proposed System 7 Limitations of the Proposed System 8

Functional specifications 8 Non-functional specifications 8

Feasibility Study 10

Economic Feasibility 10 Technical Feasibility 10 System

Requirements 10

Hardware 11

Software 11



Traditional Systems 12

Current System 13





Primary data 15

Secondary data 17



System Design


Context Diagram 18 Data

flow diagram 19

Database Design

20 Coding 22

Frontend 2 22

Backend 22

Conclusion 25

References 27



Personal documents are very important to the owner, when they are lost, it causes headache to
the owner and to recover those lost documents may not be easy because here in Rwanda we
don’t have lost and found agencies, that’s why in this project, I wish to develop and document a
web-based facility that enhances easier recovery of lost personal documents. Such documents
may include a driver’s license, national identity card, immigration documents, travel documents
such as passports, birth/death and marriage certificates. This document reports the design,
analysis, implementation and testing of the system

There are hundreds of lost national identification cards and other such documents lying around
the country. We don’t have a central ‘lost and found’ location where their owners can visit to
collect them. Instead, they go to the police station for an abstract and straight to the IREMBO
platform to apply for new ones. Meanwhile, there are some crooks using their identity cards to
commit criminal activities including forging of documents. Applicants of lost identification
cards will have to make numerous trips to the issuing offices before being re- issued with the

It is rather frustrating when one loses, say, their travel documents. This could result in cancelled
or delayed plans (say, if one lost their passport, this would mean that if they were to travel
somewhere for any reason, be it business or pleasure, they would either cancel such plans or
delay them). People often lose these documents and lack a way to find them. They will wonder
where they could have misplaced them and end up never recovering them. In such cases,
recovering lost personal documents becomes tedious and mostly futile. Most of the time,
individuals who lose their personal documents end up going through the process of renewing
the same all over….which is both time and money consuming.

Such are the reasons for development of a simple, efficient and toll-free web-based application
that allows holders of such lost documents to have the convenience of at least having a link up
facility to help them recover their lost and found documents. Though not optimally, this project
will by far provide an excellent solution to this problem.

2. Aim and Objectives

Main objective
1) To enhance and upgrade the existing system by increasing its efficiency and
effectiveness, through web responsive approach and automation.

Specific Objectives
2. To develop a modern state-of-the-art document recovery management system to automate
and save time using web technology.
3. To provide users with quick response and accurate information regarding their lost
documents and recovery of such.
4. To help Kenyans acquire an easier, more effective and toll-free way to re-acquire their lost
personal documents.
5. To develop a system with a very user-friendly interface.

Scope of the Project

The Lost Documents Recovery Management System will be a relatively interactive platform
that will allow individuals who’ve lost their documents to publish their respective details and
query recovered items that match theirs. The platform will secure details of individuals
through logging in and several other authentication mechanisms and will also allow users to
search for documents recovered/found by typing into the website’s search activity. A search
that is not related to searching of documents found will not return any results from the system
and the user will be advised to search from Google or other search platforms. All item details
published on the platform should concur with the constitution of the Republic of Kenya, other
items beyond the scope documented won’t be allowed.

Current System

Businesses recover customer valuables that are left/lost in their premises but in some cases fail
to share information of found items either online or on print media due to the lack of a
convenient system to announce such or fear of illegal claims, as a result found items accumulate
and they never get back to their owners.

This inducted the idea of enhancing such a system by expanding the system’s functionality to
not only address loss of identity cards but other personal documents as well. The system will
also ensure authenticity and security of details and information posted on the site. The current
system mostly focuses on lost national identity cards. There’s numerous documents one can
lose besides national identity cards:

•Passports and immigration papers

•Driver’s license
•Important certificates such as birth, death, marriage or even scholarly certificates
•Vehicle logbooks: proof of ownership for automobiles and also to identify one’s vehicle
•Military Id
•Title deeds
•Voter’s cards

For example, according to The Directorate of Immigration and Registration of

Persons, re-application for a passport must be submitted personally by the applicant to the
Passport Control Office, Nyayo House, Nairobi, or to the Branch Passport Control Offices,:-
Uhuru Na Kazi Building, Mombasa, New PC’s Office Kisumu, Public Works Building, Eldoret,
Garissa, Nakuru PC’s office and Embu PC’s office at least 20 days before the scheduled date of
travel. This could mean that if one loses their passport today and they were to catch a flight
tomorrow, they would have to adjourn the flight for 20days. The individual, according to an
article by James Wamathai of Hapa Kenya: New Rules for applying for a Kenyan
Passport (April 30, 2015), will also have to pay a fee of Ksh. 12,000. HOW LONG DOES

3. Expected Outcome/Deliverables

3. A complete, simple, efficient and fast system.

• A simple, appealing interface both on the user facing end and the administrator
3. DDL (Database Definition Language) to create the database.
4. DML (Database Manipulation Language) to seed/modify the database.
5. The documentation of source code used to develop the system.
6. System requirement and functional specification documents.

Proposed System

Strengths of the Proposed System

•The system is simple and easy to use (not complex).
•The system saves time and therefore convenient to use by enabling easy
communication/interaction between various users involved and the system. E.g. the one who
lost their ID/passport/title deed and the system, in this case the website.
•With little modification and security reinforcement, this system can be deployed over the
internet hence the users can interact regardless of their location. Majority of Rwandans are now
conversant with the internet, thus this website will be the best platform to link up the parties
involved. I.e. the individual who loses their ID, the one who finds it or any company that may
wish to offer lost and found services and use this system
•The database and its technology can also be adopted by NIDA () which is responsible for
issuing ID cards, enabling them to inform ID applicants when their IDs are ready.

Limitations of the Proposed System
•The system is not a portable application i.e. it will be hosted on the internet.
•The user must be computer literate.
•For you to access and use the system, you must be connected to the internet. It can’t work in
offline mode.
•The system requires constant maintaining and updating whenever a new entry is to be made,
which means as frequently as recovered/lost documents are reported.
•The system will only help individuals recover their lost documents but not optimally: it will
only work in favor of those whose documents have been recovered since it won’t have the
capability to track/trace lost personal ID documents.

Functional specifications

Functional specification define the capabilities and functions that a system must be able to
perform successfully. They specify the behavior of the system.

Some of the functional specifications of the system are:

•The system shall enable the customer to view list of lost items after registration, create an
account, log-in to the system and make searches or requests.
•The system shall display details of all lost items and provide a forum for reclaiming such.
•The system shall provide visual confirmation of requests and searches.
•The system shall enable the manager/admin to view, create, edit and delete items and
•The system shall allow generation statistical information according to the number of found
•The system shall allow generation of item/document reports for the items recovered/found.
•The system shall allow the manager to update additional information (description, holder
details, etc.) for a given movie.
•The system shall provide a method of determining the legitimacy of available data.

Non-functional specifications

A non-functional specification is a requirement that specifies criteria that can be used to judge
the operation of a system, rather than specific behaviors.

The non-functional specifications include;

•Reliability: The system should be reliable, that is it can carry its specific operations under all

• Security: The system must be secure, allowing only authorized users to access
• Extensibility & Expandability: The system should be easily upgradeable without
any undesired results or effects and needs to be future proof.
• Speed: The system should be able to process transactions in good time.
• Usability: The system should be easy to use such that the user should gain competency
in the use of the system with minimal training.
• Survivability – Perform under adverse conditions

• Availability – should be available for use at all times and available for all those lost
their documents and those who need to post found documents.
• Maintainability – should be easy to maintain and update.

Feasibility Study

Economic Feasibility
These are the financial returns/benefits the system is expected to have.

•The system will reduce the cost of making numerous trips to and fro the issuing
departments, and still due to the fact that corruption is still prevalent in Kenya, it will curb
the tradition of paying officials for favors regarding such issuances of renewed documents,
as is mostly the case.
•The system will definitely reduce the operational cost in terms of reduction of paper work
e.g. form filling, customer travel cost and time. It will only be a case of someone going to
collect their document(s) and leaving.

Technical Feasibility
The technology necessary for development and running of this system is currently available e.g.
HTML, JavaScript and Php languages. There will be need of hiring expertise technicians
immediately the system is installed to maintain the system and database.

Operational Feasibility

The system is expected to be of high performance by providing adequate throughput and quick
response time. The system should ease the management operation of handling lost and found
documents which will in turn provide quality service to the users. The system will ease the
operation of customer request for services, say at NIDA.

System Requirements
The system will have the following


PC (1.6GHz processor, 500MB RAM, 80GB HDD)

Recommended Processor

1 Dual Core or 2 Single Core Processors

For mobile devices, minimum requirements would include compatible web browsers, 1GB
RAM and an effective operating system such as android or IOS.

•Windows 8

Client Side Technology

•HTML, JavaScript, SQL server, PHP language


•Google Chrome



Traditional Systems
Some time ago, though even currently, people have had to go through the scrupulous process of
going to issuance of identity documents to get new ones due to the fact that they lost their
previous ones and couldn’t recover them. Corruption is still a scourge in Kenya and many
are the times citizens will be asked to offer a certain fee to earn the favor of quicker services,
or so at times they are told.

Such a system is time consuming and takes advantage of individuals who’ve lost their
documents, while at the same time encouraging discrimination at a point. Those who aren’t
able to negotiate replacement of their documents through devious means conceived by the
issuing officials, will have to wait a while longer. Someone somewhere may have found an
ID but didn’t have the facility to reach the owner. For example, according to the National
Registration Board, processing of ID’s takes approximately 4 to 6 weeks from the date of
application/reapplication. One will have to bring with them the following:

• A copy of a police report stating how they lost their identity card
• A copy of the applicant’s valid Kenyan passport if any
• A copy of their original birth certificate
• A copy of their ID card if any

One will also pay a replacement fee of KSh. 300.

One will also have to answer numerous questions and fill in equally numerous forms for proof
of identity which could otherwise be reduced with a less time consuming method.

Lost documents could also mean that an individual is the victim of identity fraud. This is
unlawful identity change. It indicates unlawful activities that use the identity of another
person or of a non-existing person as a principal tool for merchandise procurement. As
such a new system can be implemented to assist the law to warrant investigations into areas
where such fraud is prevalent.

The whole process of re-application and issuance of identity cards, passports and other
such documents, according to KNHRC (2007) is faced with a number of complaints from the
politicians and citizens lodged at departments such as National Registration Bureau
(NRB) concerning time taken to produce these documents especially during electioneering
period in the case of national identity cards because one has to have an identity card so that one
can register as a voter. Numerous complaints are lodged at the National Registration Bureau
claiming that registration officials routinely asked for bribes in order to issue Identity Card to
the applicants. A research paper by Ethel Mwacharo, a student of Masters of Arts Degree in
Project Planning and Management in the University of Nairobi, about Factors Influencing
Effective Production and Issuance of Identity Cards in Nairobi County, Kenya,
stated that there were complaints that the process of re-issuance was characterized with
debilitating and unnecessary delays resulting in inability to travel, to register as voters and
harassment by police on account of lack of an Identity Card.

According to KNHRC (2007) the whole process of application and collection of

Identity Card cards is impeded by unnecessary delays. An Identity Card is a right and there is a
need for a paradigm shift from the colonial objectives of identification to new paradigm of
seeing identification as a form of enhancing one’s opportunities to enjoy human rights and
The inference made from such ways give reason to facilitate an easier way for people to
regain their lost documents with convenience and less procedural requirements.

Current System
Nairobi; Kenya: There are hundreds of lost national identification cards lying around the
country. We don’t have a central ‘lost and found’ location where their owners can visit to collect
them. Instead, they go to the police station for an abstract and straight to the IREMBO platform
to apply for new ones. Meanwhile, there are some crooks using their identity cards to commit
criminal activities including forging of documents.

In a Standard Media article, by Kamuzu Banda REFERENCE HERE, updated

Wednesday, September 17th 2014 at 11:25 GMT: “Those who have applied for new IDs will make
countless trips to the issuing offices before they finally receive them. This is because our
Government still doesn’t have an effective mechanism of informing applicants that their IDs are
ready for collection,”

noted Kevin Maina, a student who came up with an application that enables Kenyans to easily
recover their lost identity cards.

Kamuzu Banda reported that the app has a central database that can be fed information on lost
IDs, which can then be made available to people using the right codes. The app was developed
using basic html and Php systems combined with USSD technology.

USSD is Unstructured Supplementary Service Data, which is a Global System for Mobile (GSM)
communication technology that is used to send text between a mobile phone and an application
program in the network. Such applications may include prepaid roaming or mobile chatting.
Kenyans may be familiar with USSD technology because there are so many services that one
can access by pressing a number like *144# and clicking send on a mobile phone.
Kevin’s USSD system can be used on even the most basic of phones.

The application functioned this way: If you have lost your ID, all you will do is enter a USSD
code on your phone (say *321*600#) and you will be prompted with options to report your ID
number, name, mobile number and the town where it was lost. This information will be sent to
a central database and stored there. Similarly, if someone found an ID, they will also enter
USSD code *321*600# on their mobile phone and they will get an option to enter the ID
number, name on the ID and also the town where the ID has been found and a contact number.
This will not only be stored on the database but the person who had entered the ID as lost
would receive a message notifying them that it has been found.

There is a website that serves that help those lost their documents to recover them:
Zipate, (a REFERENCE HERE Lost and found online application project by Umoja ICT youth
funded by the Kenya Youth Development Fund in 2014) offers a solution to post found items
and to search for lost items. The module for posting found items has no clear method of
determining the legitimacy of the item posted. Customers can search for the lost items but the
system displays the results of the person who has posted the item. This is a major weakness as
any person can claim to be the owner of that item. This was inferred from a paper posted by
(Githinji, 2015): Designing Lost and Found Web Applications Based on Trusted
Third Party (TTP) Model, on Academia.

Another site: Lost and Found Documents Center (a web application for lost and found
items services whose aim is getting lost items back to their rightful owners) has modules to post
lost and found items and incorporate SMS (Short Messaging Service) to report lost items or to
search for found items. The database has very few reported lost and found items and there is no
method of determining the legitimacy of the item being posted.

Social media is another commonly used avenue to post lost and found items, Facebook
and twitter allows members to join groups where they able to post lost and found items. In
most cases, the social media channel is insecure and may be prone to fraud and other uncouth
ways. According to (Githinji, 2015)Designing Lost and Found Web Applications Based
on Trusted Third Party (TTP) Model, current systems make it very difficult to search for
found or lost items and there is also no privacy of personal information of the person who
posted lost and found items.



Research methodology shows the methods that were used to collect data. The methods used
were both primary and secondary methods of data collection.

Primary data
The following are the methods used to collect primary data:

• Interviews

Interviewing allows the analyst to collect or gather the information from the individual or
group who are generally the current users of the existing system or potential users of the
proposed system. They may be students or the general public who provide the data for
the proposed system and who will be affected by it. As far as interview is concerned, it is a
time consuming process. It is a basic source of qualitative information. It allows the
analyst to discover areas of misunderstanding, indication of resistance to the proposed
User interviews were conducted to determine the qualitative information. These interviews,
which were unstructured interviews, provided opportunity to gathered information from
respondents who are involved in the process for a long time.


Oral interviews are flexible in the manner that the interviewer can open more perspectives
to the topic and also give additional information.


A questionnaire is a set of printed or written questions with a choice of answers, devised for
the purposes of a survey or statistical study. It is also defined as a research instrument
consisting of a series of questions and other prompts for the purpose of gathering information
from respondents.

Questionnaires are used in the case where one is not able to physically interact with the
other individual as is the case of interviews. Questionnaires can be sent through e-mail or over
social media such as WhatsApp or Facebook. They are also applicable where the other party is
busy and intends to respond to queries later.

The use of questionnaires contributed greatly to the implementation of this project, while
still inducting new perspective and aspects into the project through new ideas and rectifications.

The questions I asked included:

• Have you ever lost a personal document?

• How soon did you recover it, if not what steps did you take to acquire another?
• How much in terms of money and time did it cost you to re-acquire your document?
• What do you suggest be implemented to mitigate such constraints that come with
loss of identification documents? What are some of the changes you would like to be
made in the current system?
• How often do you come across lost identity documents belonging to other people?
• To the police and issuing departments: How often do people report lost documents?
Do you have a way or criteria of assisting them recover such documents?


Close ended questions have the advantage of collecting viable quantitative data while
open-ended questions allow the respondents freedom of answering questions and
the chance to provide in-depth responses. Questionnaire is preferred because it is
efficient, cheap and easy to be administered. The questionnaires will be administered
through drop and pick to identify respondents with a brief explanation on their
purpose and importance.


This is a conference between two or more people to consider a particular question.

During the preliminary stages of the project, I consulted my project supervisor. Such
consultation gave insight to how to navigate the whole project from conception to
completion. Several of these consultations guided me in eliminating the various
errors therein.


It was observed that too many Kenyans end up losing their personal documents,
mostly their national identity cards. They either forgot, dropped or lost their cards
among other belongings. I identified the major challenges and it was clear to me that
there is great need of coming up with a system to cub these challenges.

All information and details needed in order to aid the development of the system
were being collected. The information will act as a reference point to be used while
developing the system.

Observation gives the analyst the opportunity to go behind the scenes to learn the
inside story and to discover the flaws of the current system.

Secondary data
The data and information was collected from the internet and a few books on
programming. I also reviewed some of the projects that are related to my project.

Online resources, books and reference materials:

The internet is the best source of information for any field of study. It contains online
encyclopedias and different sites on various subjects to gather information. You can actually
find information about anything you want to know about from the internet; whether about
science, technology, mathematics, history, countries etc. I also reviewed some of the projects
that are related to my project.

Books are an inexpensive method to use because they can easily be borrowed from the
library. They contain various detailed information and can easily and efficiently be used for

Reference materials used included newspapers, journals and tech magazines.



System Design

The system’s blueprints are delineated by:

Context diagram
Data flow diagram

Context Diagram
This is a brief structure which depicts the environment in which a software system exists and helps
in communicating about what lies outside the system boundary.

Data flow diagram
It is a two-dimensional diagram that explains how data is processed and transferred in a
system. The graphical depiction identifies each source of data and how it interacts with other
data sources to reach a common output.

Database Design
The system’s platform will employ the use of a database where users will be publishing their
documents’ information into, searching for documents and also where user relevant
information such as login details will be held.

The most suitable database to be used is MYSQL because of the following reasons:

1. It is compatible with other programming languages intended to be used in the

implementation of the platform example Php and Java.
2. MYSQL is the standard RDBMS (Relational Database Management System) software
that runs on most servers around the world. Hosting companies must run MYSQL on
their servers among other RDBMS software.
3. MYSQL has reliable security features that guarantee the security of the database
unlike other RDBMS software which are prone to malicious attacks.
4. The size of the database in terms of the number of tables is not limited and can be very
huge depending on the system to be implemented.
5. MYSQL is a flexible query language that enables users to design through
programming how the database is going to operate with the system.

The platform will have the following sample tables:

1. Holder/user registration table.

Name of National Id New Address Phone Location/Sector
number number
Claimant Password

Here the claimant will be the holder of the lost document.

2. List of found documents table

This table is affected simultaneously with the registration table during
user/claimant registration.

Details of Documents e.g. Where to collect/ Contact

Passports, ID’s, etc.


Various system tools will be used in developing both the frontend, backend and other
components of the project.


Implemented using Html, CSS and JavaScript which is used to design the interactive

HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language)

HTML is a syntax used to format a text document on the web.

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

CSS is a style sheet language used for describing the look and formatting of a document written
in a markup language.

Java Script

JS is a dynamic computer programming language commonly used as part of web browsers,

whose implementations allow client-side scripts to interact with the user, control the browser,
Communicate asynchronously, and alter the document content that is displayed.


Implemented using PHP and MySQL which is used to create the form validation and database

PHP (Hypertext pre-processor)

PHP is a server-side scripting language designed for web development but also used as a
general-purpose programming language. PHP code is interpreted by a web server with a PHP
processor module, which generates the resulting web page: PHP commands can be embedded
directly into an HTML source document rather than calling an external file to process data.


MySQL is the world’s second most widely used open-source relational database management
system (RDMS). The SQL phrase stands for structured query.


Budget estimate

The following is the estimated financial plan for which funding is required. This includes all
expenses that will be incurred and inclusive of the implementation cost. It also includes all
indirect costs that allow the project to bear a portion of the administrative costs of the day-to- day


Xampp or Wamp Software Free

Sublime Text Or Dreamweaver Free

Laptop/ Desktop I already have it

Data Collection 5,000

Flash Disk I already have it

Stationery And Printing 700

Hosting Charges 15,000 per year

Miscellaneous Cost 3,000

TOTAL: 81,700


A Gant chart below shows the system time schedule to its successful completion. The Gant chart
will help in the development, implementation and testing of the system as it will guide on when
and how long the system development is supposed to take.

ACTIVITY 18th 28th

22th Sep 10th Oct 20th Oct 12th 19th Mar
Nov Dec
2021 2021 2021 2022
2021 2021

1 Requirements
analysis and
2 Logical Design

3 Physical Design
4 Coding

5 Testing

6 Documentation
and Presentation


Nowadays, traditional ways of re-acquiring lost documents are becoming more unreliable. It is the
new age where technology dominates every aspect of human life. With software and technological
devices, exceptions are reduced and even terminated. Also, people prefer easy, quick and safe way
for every part of their life. This project is designed to meet the requirements to assist individuals
who lose their documents regain such without unnecessary impediments.

With this system, the registration of person boards and other departments that this project may
pertain can have a lesser workload and be facilitated with a more effective way to reissue lost
documents. With this system being developed, I hope to reduce time wasting, avoid
misunderstandings, and provide easy data flow and less hard work. I believe that the pertinent
departments, such as agencies such as NIDA will find this system highly convenient and reliable in
order to accomplish their goals.

Most importantly, the proposed system will solve the problems experienced by the current system.


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Kenya National Human Commission of Rights. (2007) .An Identity Crisis? A Study on the
Issuance of National Identity Cards In Kenya. Kenya National Commission on Human

Maureen, L and Katherine, S. (2008).Kenya: National Registration Process Leaves

Minorities on the Edge of Statelessness. Refugee International.

Ministry of Immigration and Registration of Persons. Expression of Interest 2012.

Government Printers, Nairobi. IMMIGRATION

Mugenda, O. M. and Mugenda, A.G. (2003) Research Methods. Laba graphics services.

Mwanatongoni, M. (2011) Improving public service delivery using ICT. Retrieved on

10th September, 2015 from

Kamuzu Banda, (2014) An App to Find Your Lost ID. Retrieved on 1oth September, 2015

National Registration Bureau. (2008) National Registration Bureau policies, Procedures

and Practices. Government Printers. Nairobi. NIDA
Nyataya, J. (2009) Kenyans to get new ID cards from January. Sunday, August 9 2009.
Retrieved on 1st October, 2015 from [IREMBO AND NIDA TO GET

Sunden, S. and Wicander, G. (2006): Information and Communication Technology Applied for
developing Countries in a Rural Context. Faculty of Economic Sciences, Communication and
IT, Information Systems, Karlstad University.

Stanley Githinji (2015) Designing Lost and Found Web Application. Retrieved on
21st September, 2015 from


Githinji, S. (2015, September 21). Designing Lost and Found Web Application. Retrieved from


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