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A.Definition of Imperative Sentence

“ a sentence that has the meaning of ordering, asking,
ordering, and giving instructions to the other person to do

Imperative Sentence adalah kalimat yang memiliki arti

menyuruh, meminta, memerintah, dan memberikan
petunjuk kepada lawan bicara agar melakukan sesuatu.
B. Imperative Sentence Rules :
1. never mentioning the subject (you) directly but only in the form of the
implied word, for example: stand up! be Stand up!

2. To make the word more polite, we can add 'DO' or 'PLEASE' at the beginning of
the sentence and for PLEASE it can be at the beginning or end of the sentence.
Example: Do take my book! (Please bring my book), Open the window please! (Please
open the window)

3. The verb used is a bare infinitive, without a to.

Example : Come here! , Sit down!

4. Negative sentence forms can be added with do not or don't at the beginning of a
5. If the speaker takes part in the action, then let's add to it (ayo)
Imperative Sentence can be categorized as 3 types, such as :
1.command. ( Perintah )
2.request ( Permintaan )
3.instructions /direction ( Petunjuk )

1. Command
Command is a strong sentence and usually ends with an exclamation (!) , because it
commands someone. Command sentences can also be prohibited by adding don't (don't)
in front of the sentence.
Example :
a. Go away! (pergi sana!)
b.Close the door! (tutup pintunya!)
c. Listen to the teacher! (dengarkan guru!)
d. Be careful! (hati-hati!)
e.Be nice! (jadilah baik!)
f.Be quite please! (tolong diam!)
g.Don't touch me! (jangan sentuh aku!)
2. Request
Request sentence, it can also be in the form of a command sentence but the language
is smoother and does not use an exclamation (!). Can be interpreted this sentence is
more polite. Example :
a.Would you like to help me? (maukah kamu membantuku?)
b.Would you mind to come to my house? (Maukah kamu datang ke rumahku?)
c.Could you pass the salt over there, please?
d.Could you take the garbage outside? (Bisakah kamu membuang sampah keluar?)
e.Could you bring me the newspaper? (Bisakah kamu membawakanku korannya?)
3. Direction
Direction are instructions for doing something by means of coherent actions or steps. Examples can be
seen in Procedure Text, Manual, or when someone shows the way to a certain place,

Example :
1. Turn left when you see a roundabout.
2.Turn right at the end of the road and my house is number 67.
3.Wash the mangoes to remove any dirt. Then peel the ripe mangoes
4.Put the chopped garlic and onion into the hot vegetable oil. Fry them a while.

A. Warning (Peringatan)
Used to express a warning such as a danger warning or a warning. in
warning the sentence usually rises, especially in the last word
Example :
• Don’t see me like that! (Jangan lihat aku seperti itu!)
• Don’t touch my hand! (jangan sentuh tangan ku!)
• watch out! (awas!)
• Run away! (Lari!)
• Don ‘t say that! (jangan katakan itu)
• kill the spider! (bunuh laba-laba nya!)
B. Advice (Nasihat)

Example :
1. Don’t be lazy!
2. Don’t be arrogant!
3. Drink the medicine, Three times in a day
4. Do not drink to much!
5. Eat the rice Regullary

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