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03 Executive Summary
Executive Summary
Objectives, Scope & Procedures Performed

06 Background
General Background
Commission Payment Statistics
Commission Processing Statistics
Benchmarking Information

11 Issues and Observations

Issues & Observations Summary
Detailed Issues & Observations

21 Appendices
Appendix A: Leading Practices Scorecard
Appendix B: Leading Practices Detail
Appendix C: Process Flowchart
Appendix D: Testing Matrix
Appendix E: Acknowledgements

Internal audit reviewed the (Location) commissions process at Company X corporate headquarters in (Month) (Year).
The objective of this review was to obtain an understanding of the commissions processes, evaluate the adequacy
and effectiveness of the associated internal controls, and to identify opportunities for process improvements.
Key controls are adequate and operating on a consistent basis. Existing controls need to be enhanced and other
controls added to help the processes operate more effectively and efficiently. Several opportunities for internal control
and process improvements have been identified through interviews, observations and limited transaction testing. The
following summarizes the issues noted during the review, and categorized as relating to the commissions plan or the

The Commissions Plan

Company X’s commission plan has not been designed and is not administered in ways
Plan Administration to achieve efficient implementation. As a result, implementation is highly manual,
inefficient and costly to Company X. Highlights are as follows:
• The plan is highly customized and there are frequent, ad-hoc changes.
• Mega-deal provisions are subjective and judgmental.
• Management makes many decisions to pay commissions differently than indicated
by the bookings data in the system.
• Communication of changes to plan parameters is not done timely and effectively.

The Commissions Process

Integrity of Bookings Bookings data in the system is often incomplete and/or erroneous. Many manual
Data adjustments are required to pay commissions properly. Highlights are as follows:
• Sales representatives’ geographical splits are often incorrect.
• A large proportion of orders are booked on the last day of the quarter, increasing the
likelihood of errors.


The Commissions Process (Continued)

Commissions Opportunities exist to improve controls and procedures with the commissions
Department department. Highlights are as follows:
• Performance metrics are not used to improve efficiency and effectiveness.
• Documented policies and procedures do not exist.

Commission Company X’s cost to calculate and pay commissions is XX times the benchmarked
Processing Costs average (see p. 10).

See the Issues and Observations Summary and the Detailed Issues & Observations sections of this report (pages
11-19) for a detailed discussion of all issues identified in this review and the management implementation plan to
address each issue.


Objectives Scope
• Understand and evaluate the process efficiency, • The (Location) sales commissions payment
data reliability and internal controls for process utilized for Company X’s FYXX Plan.
commissions calculations and payments. • The review included detail testing of Q1 and Q2
• Determine that company policies and procedures FYXX sales commissions.
are followed.
• Compare Company X’s practices to “Leading
• Make recommendations that will result in a strong
system of internal controls and financial cycle
process improvements.

Summary of Procedures Performed

• Interviewed key management and personnel responsible for the sales commissions process.
• Reviewed relevant company policies and procedures.
• Evaluated the effectiveness and efficiency of business processes against “Leading Practices.”
• Benchmarked Company X commissions operations against selected other companies.
• Performed limited transaction testing of Q1 and Q2 FYXX sales commissions payments.



Executive sales management establishes and approves sales compensation plans for all commissionable
employees with assistance from human resources. Plans are revised on an as needed basis. The structure of
the (Location) sales commissions plans includes a base salary and quota commissions. Executive sales
management establishes quotas, taking into consideration factors such as territory, customer and sales
representative history.
Quotas are based upon XX% on bookings. Commissions paid on orders subsequently de-booked are
deducted from employees’ future commissions. For uncollectible receivables, Company X determines
commissions implications on a case-by-case basis. Once sales quotas have been reached, over-
achievements are paid at higher rates than commission rates in goal letters. In addition, bookings exceeding
$XXX are termed “Mega-Deals” and are commissioned uniquely and individually by sales management.
Orders are entered into SAP and uploaded into TrueComp. TrueComp calculates commissions according to
commission rates and monthly bookings. Commissions payment data is downloaded from TrueComp into
Excel and uploaded into ProBusiness, the payroll system.


The Company X sales commissions calculation process is performed by the commissions manager and X
commissions analysts. There were approximately XX commissionable employees (including XX sales
representatives) at the end of (Month) (Year).


Commissions Paid, Budget vs. Actual: Q1 & Q2

$XX X% Over Budget

X% Over Budget
$XX Budget

Q1 Q2
Total Q1/Q2 Commissions Paid: $XXX

Commissions as a % of Bookings
X% X%


X% X%

April May June July


Process Information Manual Adjustments to Commissions Calculations, Q1 & Q2 20XX

XX XXX total errors, XXX average per month

Manual Adjustments result when changes from
previously paid periods need to be reflected on
commissions payments yet to be made. See Issue
#3. X
Booking Errors result when incomplete X
commissions data is entered at the time of booking. X
As a result, Commissions Analysts must investigate
errors and complete information prior to payout of
commissions. XX
Jan Feb Mar Apr May June

Booking Errors, March to July 20XX Breakdown of Bookings Errors by Processor

XXX total errors, XXX average per month Processor Count % of total count Value
2 XXX X% $ XXX
X 3 XXX X% $ XXX

5 XXX X% $ XXX
6 XXX X% $ XXX
Others XXX X% $ XXX
XX Totals XXX 100% $ XXX
Mar Apr May June July

The matrices found on the following pages illustrate the comparison of Company X’s commissions department metrics
to data collected from other companies which utilize commission accounting within their operations. While
management decisions should not be based on this data, it does provide a high-level view of what other companies
are doing within their commission calculation function.

General Information
Total Company Revenue (Domestic) $XX $XX $XX $XX $XX
Last Fiscal Year’s Variable Compensation Expense (Locations) $XX $XX $XX $XX $XX
Variable Compensation as a Percentage of Revenue (Locations) X% X% X% X% X%
Number of Commissions Departments Worldwide XX XX XX XX XX
Total FTEs Dedicated to Processing Variable Compensation Calculations
and Payments (Company A includes [Location] only)
Commissions Expense per Commissions Department FTE $XX $XX $XX $XX $XX
Commission Payments Based Upon:
X% X% X% X% X%
X% X% X% X% X%
X% X% X% X% X%
Product Acceptance:
X% X% X% X% X%
Sell Through:
X% X% X% X% X%
X% X% X% X% X%
Monthly/ Monthly/ Monthly/ Monthly/ Monthly/
Frequency of Variable Compensation Payment
Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly
Access/ Access/ Access/ Access/ Access/
System/Application Used to Calculate Variable Compensation Payments
Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel
Tiers of Management Receiving Variable Compensation Payments X X X X X


Cost and Quality Information

Company Company Company Company Company
Number of Commission Plans X X X X X
Complexity of Commission Plan (1: Not Complex…5:
Very Complex)
Monthly/ Monthly/ Monthly/ Monthly/ Monthly/
Frequency of Plan Update Quarterly/ Quarterly/ Quarterly/ Quarterly/ Quarterly/
Yearly Yearly Yearly Yearly Yearly
Sales/ Sales/ Sales/ Sales/ Sales/
Departments Involved in Plan Generation Finance/ Finance/ Finance/ Finance/ Finance/
Average Number of Hours Spent Processing Variable
Compensation Information (Per Month)
Average Number of Hours Spent on Analyzing
Commission Information (Per Month)
Average Number of Hours Spent on Processing
Exceptions (Per Month)
Performance Measures Tracked Within Variable
Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No
Compensation Process?
Approximate Variable Compensation Department
Processing Costs (Location Only)
Variable Compensation Costs as a Percentage of
X% X% X% X% X%

The following is a summary of the issues and observations noted during this review. Each issue/observation has been
prioritized based upon its business impact to Company X. For each issue, a page reference has been made to the
Detailed Issues & Observations section of this report which outlines the management implementation plan to address
each issue/observation. Each management implementation plan has been agreed upon by Company X management
and includes the responsible person and expected completion of each item.

Issues/Observations: The Commissions Plan Priority See Page

Plan Administration

Individual compensation plans are highly customized and change frequently. 12

The Mega-Deal clause in the Compensation Plan is not clearly defined. 13

Issues/Observations: The Commissions Process Priority See Page

Integrity of Bookings Data

The commission process is manual and prone to errors. 14

Relevant sales representative and geographical split information is not consistently included with
booking packages.
Commissions Department

Performance metrics are not used to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the process. 18

Documented policies and procedures do not exist. 18

Goal letters are not properly authorized and maintained. 19

Priority: Low Medium High


Issues/Observations Management Implementation Plan
1) Plan Changes: Individual compensation plans are highly • Consider limiting compensation rate (Name)
customized and change frequently. changes to quarterly. Consider effecting
rate changes prospectively rather than
Each sales representative has a goal letter with a base salary, quota
and variable commission rates. Variable commission rates are
determined by the sales manager, taking into account sales territory • Consider establishing general rates based
and customer specifics. As a result, each sales representative on demographic categories.
commission rate is unique. Unique compensation rates allow
• Ensure that current, signed goal letters are
flexibility in motivating employees but can also result in large
in place.
amounts of manual intervention in the calculation process.
• Hold sales personnel accountable for not
Compensation plans are not reviewed and updated on a scheduled
having goal letters completed and on file in
basis. Instead, plans are adjusted “as needed.” As a result, multiple
a timely manner.
compensation plan revisions may be generated at any point in time.
In Q2 ‘XX, XX total compensation revisions occurred for XX total
sales reps. XX revisions were for sales support personnel, and the
remaining XX revisions were submitted for approximately XX sales
representatives. In Q3, as of (Month), XX plan revisions have been
submitted for sales representatives. Per sr. finance manger in
worldwide sales finance, an average of X to X plan revisions for
FYXX have been processed for each sales representative.
Business Impact: Increased processing costs (Company X’s
processing costs are XX times the benchmarked average, see p.
10); risk of incorrect payout; potential litigation by employees.


Issues/Observations Management Implementation Plan
2) Mega-Deals: The Mega-Deal clause in the Compensation Plan • Ensure that the Mega-Deal clause in the (Name)
is not clearly defined. Compensation Plan is clearly worded.
Bookings that exceed $XXX are termed Mega-Deals. • Minimize legal loopholes by standardizing
Mega-Deal commissions payouts.
An average of XX Mega-Deals per year are completed. Mega-Deals
do not follow documented plan rates but are somewhat subjective • Clearly communicate the Mega-Deal
and are not always clear to the commissions department or the definition and payout criteria to sales
employee. Additionally, Mega-Deal commissions payout amounts personnel.
and payout timing varies from one instance to another. Subjectivity
• Involve legal in the annual sales
and lack of a clear definition within the Compensation Plan has
compensation design and wording.
motivated some sales representatives to threaten legal action. At
least one lawsuit has been filed against Company X related to Mega- • Store Mega-Deal information in a central
Deal clause interpretation. The legal department was not involved and secure location.
with the wording of Mega-Deal commission clause in the current
Sales Compensation Plan.
In addition, a centralized location for Mega-Deal information and
history does not exist.
Business Impact: Legal action filed by sales representatives;
increased time and cost to analyze and administer commissions for

Issues/Observations Management Implementation Plan
3) Manual Processing: The commission process is manual and • Track errors by booking administrator and (Name)
prone to errors. set goals for improvement. Provide
incentives for low error rates and penalties
A large number of manual adjustments are required to accurately
for high error rates.
calculate sales commissions due to the following factors:
• Consider changes in the commission plan
The plan design and plan administration is not designed to
that would enable increased automation in
achieve efficient processing of commissions payments.
the commission calculation process.
• Calculations (e.g., over-achievements, overlays/splits, de-
• Consider linking PeopleSoft to SAP to
bookings, removal of expenses for service bookings, exception
ensure that orders are booked with
bookings and Mega-Deals) must be performed manually and
appropriate sales representative and
entered into the system.
geographical split information. Ensure that
• The plan is designed to double compensate Company X sales a (Location) Account owner exists to verify
representatives for PSD orders obtained by PSD sales that PeopleSoft and SAP data agrees.
representatives. PSD information is transmitted on a system that
• Determine how PSD sales will be included
is not integrated with SAP, causing highly manual and inefficient
in future plan structures, taking into
consideration the amount of commissions
• Management makes many decisions to pay commissions paid on PSD sales and the time required
differently than indicated by the bookings data in the system. to process the commissions (i.e.,
Processing these exceptions is highly manual and inefficient. determine if there will be an overlay for
PSD sales or if PSD sales will be excluded
• The commissions plan is silent with regard to the amount of time
from the plan).
sales representatives have to research their commissions
payments. Researching those issues by commissions analysts is
time consuming and inefficient.

Issues/Observations Management Implementation Plan
3) Manual Processing (continued) See previous page
• Sales management makes side agreements with sales reps
about commissions that are not always communicated timely and
in writing to the commissions department (e.g., forgiven draws or
forgiven de-bookings). Reflecting these agreements after
commissions have already been calculated is highly manual and
• Administration of changes to the plan parameters is not done
effectively or timely. For example, goal letters change with such
frequency that it can be difficult to know which are the most
current. Goal letters are also usually applied retroactively instead
of prospectively. Updating the system and calculating retroactive
adjustments is labor intensive, highly manual and inefficient.
Commission Booking Errors
Commission booking errors occur when sales representative data is
entered into the system incorrectly or not at all. In order to calculate
commissions, all relevant sales representative information must be
included. From (Month) to (Month) (Year), errors detected by the
commission department totaled XX, an average of XX per month.
(See Issue #5). In addition, in a sample of XX bookings we tested,
XX or X% were booked on the last day of the month. A large volume
of last-minute bookings increases the likelihood of errors.

Issues/Observations Management Implementation Plan
3) Manual Processing (continued) See previous page
Manual Adjustments
Manual adjustments can be defined as items from previous months
that went unnoticed, lacked complete documentation, or required
manual maintenance. These adjustments are in addition to typical
manual adjustments that are necessary due to system limitations. In
Q1 and Q2, manual adjustments totaled XX, an average of XX per
Per the commissions manager, manual adjustments outside the
typical day-to-day manual calculations (bookings errors and manual
adjustments) can be roughly broken down as follows:
• Bookings Errors X%
• PSD X%
• Goal Letters X%
• Exception Bookings X%
• Other X%
Business Impact: Inefficient processing; Increased processing
costs; Employee morale; Increased likelihood of errors.

Issues/Observations Management Implementation Plan
4) Incomplete Booking Packages: Relevant sales representative • Track completeness of bookings packages (Name)
and geographical split information is not consistently included by sales personnel and by order entry
with booking packages. personnel. Hold personnel accountable for
submitting incomplete bookings packages.
Sales representative information, such as name and territory, must
be manually entered into the system to ensure that commissions are • Ensure that managers submit territory
properly paid. Bookings packages, which are used by order listing changes in a timely manner. Hold
administration to book orders, do not consistently contain complete managers accountable for untimely
commissions information. As a result, missing sales representative communication of information.
information prevents calculation of commissions or causes a
• Ensure completeness of booking
calculation/payment of commissions to the incorrect sales
packages by sales finance prior to
representative. In addition, incomplete commissions information
forwarding to order management.
requires an investigation into each instance. From (Month) to
(Month) (Year), incomplete commissions information was detected
by the commissions department XX times (or an average of XX per
Territory listings are updated weekly by field administration.
However, changes to territory listings are not consistently
communicated from the field representatives in a timely manner.
Bookings are entered lacking the necessary data fields to calculate
commissions. Missing data includes employee name, date, overlays
and splits, if any.
Business Impact: Increased processing costs; Increased likelihood
of errors; Inefficient processing.

Issues/Observations Management Implementation Plan
5) Performance Metrics: Performance metrics are not used to • Track sales representative, account (Name)
improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the process. manager, and order administrator
performance to ensure issues are
Performance metrics are not used to measure the effectiveness or
identified and solved quickly.
efficiency of the commissions process. Commissions processing
data, such as number of bookings missing commission information, • Use performance metrics to set personal
is tracked but not consistently used to improve individual/department goals during performance reviews.
Business Impact: Lack of accountability; Difficulty in identifying root
causes of issues; Lack of improvement in performance.

6) Policies/Procedures: Documented policies and procedures • Draft and implement policies and (Name)
do not exist. procedures for the commissions process.
Work with sales, sales finance and HR to
Policies and procedures for the commissions calculation process are
ensure that policies and procedures are
not in place. The commissions department recently experienced
fair and accepted by all involved.
significant turnover. The complexity and large amount of manual
intervention in the process increases the likelihood of errors. In
addition, the commissions manager maintains a large amount of
undocumented knowledge about the process.
Business Impact: Loss of knowledge in the event of employee
turnover; Increased likelihood of calculation errors; Difficulty in
training new personnel; Difficulty in assessing accountability.

Issues/Observations Management Implementation Plan
7) Goal Letters: Goal Letters are not properly authorized and • Ensure that all Goal Letters are signed (Name)
maintained. and forwarded to a central administrator in
a timely manner.
According to the Company X compensation plan, “No incentive
compensation payment will be made to anyone covered by this plan • Hold employees and managers
until a copy of the Goal Letter is signed by the plan participant and accountable for failing to turn in signed
received by human resources. ” Goal Letters specify the goal letters.
commissions rate, base salary and over-achievement rate. In
addition to the employee’s signature, the employee’s manager and
HR are on the authorization matrix. We tested XX employee files to
ensure that a current signed Goal Letter was filed. In X of X
instances (X%), the Goal Letter lacked some level of the signatures.
Additionally, ownership of Goal Letter maintenance is not clearly
defined. A central location for employee signed Goal Letters does
exist. However, the Goal Letters do not have all required signatures.
A central location for Goal Letters with all required signatures does
not exist.
Business Impact: Incorrect commission rate may be paid; Increase
in the likelihood of legal action.


As part of this review, Company X’s practices were benchmarked against the “Leading Practices.” An evaluation of
Company X’s processes is noted in each instance. Leading Practices were evaluated as follows:
Good/World Class: “Best Practice” currently in use.
Moderate Use: Improvement possible in order to achieve “Best Practice” status.
Limited/Some Use: Improvement recommended to improve process efficiency/effectiveness.
Where possible, improvement can be made in the company’s best practice structure. Reference has been made to
the Detailed Issues and Observations, where management’s change implementation is described.

Best Practice Evaluation

Offer compensation plans that provide a stable base with variable linked to

Establish compensation plans that are equitable and competitive.

Develop compensation plans that support strategic goals.
Link top management's compensation to company performance.
Communicate any changes in compensation plans to employees. 3, 4

Ensure that company-wide incentive compensation plans are designed in a

consistent, straightforward manner to maximize attainment/results and minimize 1, 4, 5, 6, 7

Good/World Class Moderate Use Limited/Some Use


Best Practice Evaluation

Establish an incentive compensation expense, accrual, forecast and budgeting

Incorporate a review of adjustments to revenue (e.g., returns, bad debts) within
the commission calculation process.
Store compensation plans in a central and secure location. 5

Good/World Class Moderate Use Limited/Some Use


Best Practice Company X Practice Evaluation

1 Offer compensation plans that provide a stable base with Company X’s total compensation plan
variable linked to performance. consists of base salary, variable
commission and key selling initiatives.
Base-variable pay configuration allows a more reflective cost in terms
Sales representatives that exceed quarter
of revenue. It enhances productivity because employees are more
and annual goals receive over-
motivated to act according to company’s best interests. Management
achievements. Over-achievements
has control over pay distinction between individuals. The configuration
increase the commissions rate as sales
can filter out poor performers and allow better focus on great
exceed target quotas.
Business Benefit:
• Greater sense of ownership from employees
• Better retention and loyalty
• Higher motivation

2 Establish compensation plans that are equitable and Company X compensation plans are
competitive. equitable and competitive in the market.
Company X compares its compensation to
Competitive but equitable compensation packages attract, motivate
other industry competitors and current
and retain high-quality employees. Because the job market is a
market rates.
moving target, it is vital that compensation balances equity and
competitiveness while fostering the company's financial performance. Sales representative quotas will be
adjusted according to a geographic
Business Benefit:
territory, market, customer and other
• More motivated employees variables encountered.
• Better quality candidates for jobs Compensation plans have been adjusted
• Greater retention of high performers against the market rates on an ongoing

Good/World Class Moderate Use Limited/Some Use


Best Practice Company X Practice Evaluation

3 Develop compensation plans that support strategic goals. Sales representative quotas will be
adjusted according to a geographic
When employees share the company's vision, they also realize that
territory, market, customer, and other
they have the power to help the company achieve its goals and that
variables encountered. Quotas are
they will be rewarded for doing so. With this awareness, they can
adjusted to encourage sales
focus on the tasks that ensure the company's success. The ultimate
representatives to develop business in
goal is to motivate employees to build the company, and base-plus-
targeted areas.
variable pay provides a vital incentive.
Business Benefit:
• Clear connections between strategic goals and pay
• Better employee focus on how to meet objectives
• Stronger link between employee effort and reward

4 Link top management's compensation to company performance. Company X management designs

deferred compensation to support
Linking performance to compensation is even more crucial here
employee objectives. Company X hires
because it helps focus executives to the company’s goal. It is a more
outside directors to guarantee that
consistent way of running a company since tying company’s short-
compensation for top management is fair
term and long-term goals to employee’s performance, including top
and competitive. Top management
management, puts everyone on the same track. This practice also
compensation policies are reviewed at
promotes higher confidence in shareholders and investors.
least every two years to reflect changes in
Business Benefit: corporate goals, the economy and the
shifts in the marketplace. Stock ownership
• Greater incentives for executives to improve productivity
is not directly linked to performance
• More responsible corporate image presented to investors and incentives.
• Increased sense of ownership and responsibility among executives

Good/World Class Moderate Use Limited/Some Use


Best Practice Company X Practice Evaluation

5 Communicate any changes in compensation plans to employees. Company X clearly presents and
communicates changes in the pay policy
Competitive but equitable compensation packages attract, motivate
to all employees. When Company X
and retain high-quality employees. Because the job market is a See Issue #5
executives and sales management decide
moving target, it is vital that compensation balances equity and
to adjust target commission and/or quota,
competitiveness while fostering the company's financial performance.
commission rates will change accordingly.
Business Benefit: Employees must sign their own Goal
Letters for the new compensation to be
• Better input during the switch to variable pay
• Earlier detection of possible trouble spots
• Better coordination of pay with performance However, we tested XX employee files for
authorized Goal Letters and found XX to
lack complete authorization.

6 Establish compensation plans that are equitable and Company X has different sales commission
competitive. plans for approximately XX commissionable
employees. The plans are reviewed and
Develop an incentive compensation plan that is designed in a See Issues #1,
approved by the sales commissions
straightforward manner. Form a team charter including the sales management and executives as often as #4, #5, #6, #7
team’s mission, goals, expectations and constraints. necessary. Although each compensation plan
is created by using basic formula: Target
Clarify the sales force’s roles and responsibilities. Commission/Quota, commission rate will
change each time the variables are changed.
Business Benefit:
Variables could include territory, district, type
• Clear, well-defined goals of customer and type of product. Because of
• Clarification of sales force’s roles and responsibilities the growing and changing economy, XX Goal
Letters were issued in Q1 (Year), causing
• Clear direction on each salesperson’s purpose and expected extensive manual administrative entries by
results sales commission analysts.

Good/World Class Moderate Use Limited/Some Use


Best Practice Company X Practice Evaluation

7 Establish an incentive compensation expense, accrual, forecast Senior financial analyst of (Location) sales
and budgeting process. prepares the commissions budget
annually. On quarterly basis, the
Create a compensation expense model to evaluate potential
commissions forecast model is used to
compensation scenarios compared to budget.
check against the actual compensation
Compare actual compensation expense to budgeted compensation expense. The variance is used to
expense and determine reasons for discrepancies. determine and analyze the discrepancies.
Business Benefit:
• Ensures reasonableness of compensation expenses and reduces
surprises when comparing budgets to actuals

8 Incorporate a review of adjustments to revenue (e.g., returns, Company X managers have the ability to
bad debts) within the commission calculation process. make discretionary adjustments to an
employee’s sales commission, along with See Issues #8
Develop procedures or checklists to ensure that adjustments are
the sign-off from an executive. Sales
accurate and complete. Develop a system that integrates the
adjustments (returns, de-bookings, sales
compliance and planning modules to calculate and communicate the
that have not been booked by booking
impact of all approved adjustments. Send adjustments approved by
administrator, etc.) are sent directly to the
management to the appropriate groups on a timely basis.
commissions manager for manual input
Business Benefit: into the master audit sheet and True
Comp, and used for commission
• Ensure that commission payments result from valid
sales/customers in good standing
No policies & procedures are in place for
sales commission adjustment entries.

Good/World Class Moderate Use Limited/Some Use


Best Practice Company X Practice Evaluation

9 Store compensation plans in a central and secure location. Company X does not have a centralized
Goal Letter management system. Original
Store original compensation plans in employee personnel files in HR.
Goal Letters are created by the senior
Maintain signed copies in a locked and secure location in finance See Issue #5
finance manager. Copies of Goal Letters
accessible only by a limited number of authorized personnel.
are distributed to the sales commission
Business Benefit: department, where they are kept in a
folder. The senior finance manager
• Increased security of sensitive employee information
maintains the signed originals. HR does
• Faster compiling of compensation plans not maintain copies of Goal Letters for

Good/World Class Moderate Use Limited/Some Use

SAP booking Commission rates are Commission Analysts
Orders are booked into Booked sales accuracy Commission Analyst
information uploaded updated to reflect generate Master Audit
the system is manually reviewed corrects booking errors
into Cornerstone revised Goal Letters Sheet

• Booking Administrators • Booking reports are • (Name) (Sr. Finance › Manual process of • After manual checking for  Master Audit Sheet is used to
book product and service uploaded from SAP into Manager, Sales) receives subtracting expenses and errors, Commission help Commission Analysts to
sales in SAP as they Cornerstone at the end of commission information, reversing them from Analysts make appropriate keep track of commission rate
receive the Booking each business day. reviews it and creates Goal Business Objects to changes to the system. changes and to compare it to
packages.  Commission are re- Letters. Goal Letters specify calculate commissions.  For errors discovered during TrueComp reporting.
› Because many bookings calculated and refreshed sales staff base salary, › Commission Analysts the current month, › Sales Commission Manager
are recorded at the end of every night, result of the commission rate, location, manually check for errors Commission Analysts manually enters each sales
Friday or at the last day of download. Assigned Account, KSI, and within Business Objects contact Booking rep. commission data and over-
the month, manual errors OA. reports, such as: splitting of Administrator requesting to achievements and forwards
 (Name) (Commission
are made and fields, such Analyst) is responsible for  Goal Letter must be signed accounts, customer name correct errors in SAP. information to Commission
as sales rep. name, are left maintaining MS &DS by Sales Rep Manager, and sales representative  For errors discovered in the Analyst for entry into Master
incomplete. bookings Sales Rep, and HR. listed for that customer, previous months, Audit Sheet.
 Fields that must be  (Name) forwards copies of number of sales Commission Analyst  Master Audit sheet, with up to
 (Name) (Commission
completed when booking Goal Letters to HR and representatives for that accesses Oracle Form (an date commission rates for
Analyst) is responsible for
Service: Sales Rep. Name, keeps the originals in customer, etc. internal database) and sales reps. calculates
maintaining overlay sales
MS Specialist, DS reporting. his/her files.  Commission Analysts are makes manual entries to commission and OA due.
Specialist, and overlay  (Name) forwards copies of able to detect incorrectly reflect required changes.  Commission rates have been
 (Name) is currently
representative name. Goal Letters to Commission assigned sales Forms will feed the updated known to change anywhere
maintaining overlay product
 Fields that must be Analysts. representatives, or information into Business between X-X times per year
completed when booking  Commission Analysts adjust unassigned sales Objects instantly. per each sales staff. The Goal
 Commission Analyst prints representatives to specific
Products: Sales Rep. Master Audit Sheet (an Letters with the latest rates are
the Business Object customers. It is done by
Name, overlay Excel spreadsheet used to received Senior Finance
booking reports on daily comparing Business
representative for PSD& calculate commissions) with Manager.
basis. Report lists customer Objects reports to a weekly
SLD. the new commission rate for  Master Audit Sheet
name, sales representative updated Customer list,
o Data system allows Booking name, booking type, end- sales staff as needed. commission calculations are
which lists assigned sales
administrator to complete user location, booking date, o No Policies & Procedures matched against TrueComp
representatives to each
sales and product bookings etc. exist in order to change reporting for accuracy.
with having “N/A” fields. base salary and/or  Payroll receives information
 Commission Analyst checks
 Booking deadline has been for splits, overlays and if the commission rate. and issues checks based on
communicated to sales reps correct sales representative True Comp reporting.
: Saturday of the last week is assigned to the correct  Payroll emails the list of all
for that month. customer. commissions paid to Sales
o Sales representative Commission Manager.
information is not linked to  Payroll Pro Business interfaces
customer information in the with HR People Soft to update
system. employee information.

Company X Control Points In Place: Company X Control Weaknesses:

 Internal control point (manual)  Internal control point (system based) o Internal control weakness › Process inefficiency

The following matrix documents the internal control testing performed relating to the incentive compensation
processes. Overall, opportunities exist to improve the processes within this function. These improvements will ensure
that internal controls are operating effectively and efficiently in order to mitigate risks associated with the incentive
compensation activities.
Test Attribute Applicable Exceptions % Comments/ Detail

Verify that the Goal Letter is signed by the plan Goal Letters are often signed only by the plan
Goal Letter XX XX X%
participant and manager. participant without management approval.

Identify the design services, methodology and X participants’ rates in the master audit sheet
Goal Letter product commission rate and verify that they agree XX XX X% were X% higher than the rates in the Goal
with rates used in the master audit sheet. Letter. Cause: rounding error.

Verify that the Goal Letter covers the time period

Goal Letter when sales were booked and the plan participant’s XX XX X%
commissions paid.

Separate product, design and methodology

services from each other and calculate commission X Participant’s rates were slightly different.
Bookings XX XX X%
due by using commission rates for the booking time Cause: rounding error.

The deadline for bookings is the first Saturday

Identify sales that were booked on the last day of after the last day of the month. By booking
Bookings XX XX X%
bookings for the month. sales close to deadline, manual errors or
incomplete information is entered.

Understand and identify overachievement (OA)

Of the X overachievements tested and
opportunity rates. Calculate the OA rate and verify
Bookings XX XX X% calculated, only rounding differences were
that it agrees with the master audit sheet

Per the commissions manager, manual

adjustments outside the typical day-to-day
manual calculations can be roughly broken
Identify the volume of manual adjustments and down as follows:
Commissions understand the reasoning behind it. Time frame N/A XX N/A Bookings Errors - X%
tested: Q1 - Q2 (Year). PSD - X%
Goal Letters - X%
Exception Bookings - X%
Other - X%

We would like to thank all Company X employees who assisted us in our work during this project. We received input
and assistance from the following people:

Corporate Controller (Name)

Director of Revenue Recognition (Name)
Sales Commission Manager (Name)
Sr. Finance Manager (Name)
Group Director, HR (Name)
Commission Analyst (Name)
Commission Analyst (Name)
Senior Commission Analyst (Name)
Director of Order Management (Name)
Litigation Paralegal (Name)
Senior Financial Analyst of (Location) Sales (Name)


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