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Nature Pattern

By: Malit Matt Kevin S.

Symmetry Pattern –
This leaf is an example symmetry pattern which
means if it cut or fold in half, it’s a mirror of itself.
There is so much more like this one in Symmetry
Pattern, 2,3,4,5 folds. Symmetry pattern if found
not only in nature but everywhere.

Fractal Pattern –
Fractal is a pattern that repeat infinitely or never
ending like this plant. This kind of pattern is very
common specially in plants and trees. Fractal is
also found in behavior of humans because we get
our behavior on our parents.
Foam Pattern –
Foam or bubble pattern is a crystal like shape.
Nature often forms repeating sphere patterns,
such as bubbles and foam. A foam is a collection
of bubbles of various sizes, with smaller bubbles
sandwiched between the bigger ones. Foams are
sometimes fractal in nature. Some foam patterns
have a consistent makeup, resulting in bubbles of
essentially the same size throughout.

Branching Pattern –
This pattern is very common on trees and some of
the leaves. These natural patterns has evolved
over a very long time and serves a specific
function that usually helps a plant survive. This
pattern can be seen when lightning strikes.
Spiral Pattern –
The leaves of this Hen and Chicks grow from the
center, each leaf at an angle with the one before.
This pattern can also be seen on chameleon’s tail
and also on hurricanes(Weather pattern) and
many more. This is efficient packing solution for

Wave Pattern –
This pattern commonly found on seas and clouds.
Waves are caused by wind, wind-driven waves or
surface waves are created by friction between
wind and surface water. There is also wave
pattern on sand and when droplet hits the water.

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