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 Ask students to collect pictures or news articles

related to economic crisis situations in the local

Legazpi area. These could include images of job
losses, poverty, closed businesses, and market
 Each student or group should select a picture to
 Ask students to brainstorm potential product or
business ideas that could address the challenges
they identified in their selected pictures.
 Encourage them to think creatively, considering
products or services that could benefit the
community and create employment
• Business Proposal

• Have each group or individual present their business

proposal to the class, explaining how their idea
addresses the specific challenges depicted in the

 Students should consider aspects like business

feasibility, target market, marketing strategies, and
potential economic and social impacts.
 Relate the activity to different curriculum areas:
 In mathematics, discuss financial planning,
budgeting, and profit projections for the proposed
 In social studies, explore the societal impact of these
businesses and their role in poverty alleviation.
 In MIL, language arts, focus on effective
communication skills when presenting business
Patriotic Solidarity:

Include photos of community events or

gatherings where people come together
to support each other, showing a sense of
national unity in times of crisis.

Highlight local initiatives that embody the

spirit of "We're in this together" and
emphasize how unity can contribute to
overcoming economic challenges.
National Symbols and Identity:

 Incorporate national symbols, flags, or landmarks into some

of the images to remind viewers that addressing these
issues is not just a local concern but also a matter of
national importance.
 Showcase diverse cultural aspects and traditions within your
nation to celebrate the rich tapestry of society.
Government Response:

 Feature photographs of government officials and

organizations actively working to alleviate poverty and
 Document policies and programs that promote social
welfare and economic recovery, highlighting the role of
responsible governance.
Narratives of Resilience:

 Include stories of individuals or communities that have

overcome adversity, emphasizing the strength and
determination of the nation's people.
 Show people engaging in acts of kindness and
compassion that reflect the values of social
consciousness and national pride.
Call to Action:

 Conclude the gallery with a section that encourages

viewers to get involved, whether through volunteering,
supporting relevant charities, or advocating for policies
that address these issues.
 Provide information on local and national resources for
those interested in making a difference.
• Creating a comprehensive photo gallery that
addresses unemployment, poverty,
struggling markets, and economic crises is a
meaningful project. You can organize it into
sections to effectively convey the
interconnected challenges.
Creating a comprehensive photo gallery that addresses
unemployment, poverty, struggling markets, and economic
crises is a meaningful project. You can organize it into
sections to effectively convey the interconnected challenges.


Faces of Unemployment:
1.Portraits of individuals affected by unemployment.
2.Candid shots capturing job-seeking moments.
3.Images representing the emotional toll of job loss.
Poverty's Reality:

• Photos depicting living conditions in impoverished areas.

• Images showcasing the daily struggles of low-income
• Contrasts between wealth and poverty.
Marketplace in Crisis

• Pictures of empty shops and struggling businesses.

• Scenes from local markets showing reduced activity.
• Signs of economic downturn, such as closed factories.
Navigating Economic Crisis

• Photos of community efforts to support one another.

• Images illustrating resilience and innovation during tough
• Local initiatives, food drives, or solidarity projects.
Seeking Solutions:
• Capturing moments of hope, such as job training
• Images of individuals and organizations working
to address these issues.
• Success stories of people overcoming
unemployment and poverty.
Including captions or short descriptions
with each photo can provide context and
convey the stories behind the images,
helping viewers better understand the
challenges faced by communities during
economic crises.
•Add these insights
•Note: don’t forget that this activity
is to identify business opportunity.
Mention nationalism and social
consciousness in the discussion.
Addressing Unemployment and Poverty:
•Highlight businesses that directly address unemployment
and poverty by creating jobs, offering vocational training,
or supporting micro-enterprises in economically
disadvantaged areas.
•Showcase initiatives where businesses collaborate with
local communities to improve livelihoods and reduce
poverty rates.
• Economic Recovery and Struggling Markets:
• Feature businesses that have played a role in revitalizing struggling markets
or industries, contributing to economic recovery.
• Document the transformation of declining industries through innovative
business models or technologies.
• Political Engagement:
• Showcase businesses that actively engage in political advocacy or policy
initiatives aimed at promoting social and economic justice.
• Highlight corporate involvement in shaping policies that benefit both the
business and the broader community.
• Cultural Preservation:
• Present businesses that contribute to cultural preservation by supporting
traditional artisans, heritage conservation, or cultural festivals.
• Capture moments that showcase the intersection of business and cultural
• Social Justice Initiatives:
• Feature businesses committed to social justice, such as those
involved in fair trade, gender equality, or racial equity.
• Highlight companies that donate a portion of their profits to
social causes or engage in philanthropic endeavors.
• Community Collaboration:
• Document businesses collaborating with local communities
to address social justice issues, such as access to education,
healthcare, or housing.
• Showcase partnerships that promote community development
and empowerment.

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