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Gender equality, also known as sexual equality or equality of the sexes, is the state of equal ease of
access to resources and opportunities regardless of gender, including economic participation and
decision-making; and the state of valuing different behaviors, aspirations and needs equally, regardless of

• Gender equality is the goal, while gender neutrality and gender equity are practices and ways of
thinking that help in achieving the goal. Gender parity, which is used to measure gender balance in a
given situation, can aid in achieving gender equality but is not the goal in and of itself. Gender
equality is more than just equal representation, it is strongly tied to women’s rights, and often requires
• Gender equality is imperative to human rights and peaceful societies and has been proven by
myriad research to be important for all communities to thrive. United Way of the National
Capital Area believes in equity for all, regardless of race, gender, income and ability. Below, we
explain what gender equality is, examples of gender equality in action and how it benefits all
people. Gender equality definition is the state in which access to rights or opportunities is
unaffected by gender.
Equality in gender does not mean that women and men will have or need the exact same
resources, but that women’s, men’s, trans people’s and gender-diverse people’s rights,
responsibilities and opportunities will not depend on their assigned gender at birth.

What does gender equality look like in the real world? Below, we list and describe an example of gender equality in various
scenarios and how it should look in society.

Example 1: Equality at Home

On average, women around the world do three times as much unpaid work at home as men, including household work and
caring for children and

• family members and many of these

Here are some quotes about gender equality
“Equality is the basis of humanity”

“Treat every man and every women as a human”

“Let’s be defenders, by giving equality to the genders”


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