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The Impact of Emotional Brand

Attachment on Brand Credibility and

Consumer Satisfaction on Social Media
Brand Instagram
Irena Shinta Arlita Putri 022001703009
Hizbullah Fauzan 022163002
There were 175.4 million internet users in Indonesia in January 2020. The
number of internet users in Indonesia increased by 25 million (Kemp, S. 2020),
that is, there are additions around 17 percent between 2019 and 2020.

from this data it can be concluded which means, people in Indonesia are very
familiar with the internet and its various functions, of course the use of social
media. The presence of internet technology automatically also influences the
development of the use of social media in the community.
Social media is defined as a collection of internet-based web 2.0 applications
that provide interactive services between individuals and communities to
interact with each other, discuss, create and modify content (Kaplan and
Haenlein 2010) Social media is online media that supports social interaction.

Social media uses web-based technology that turns communication into

interactive dialogue. Some examples include, social networking, blogs, wikis,
YouTube, and others.
Currently, there were 160.0 million social media users in Indonesia in January
2020. Equivalent to 56 percent compared to the total population of Indonesia
(Kemp, S. 2020). It can be concluded from the explanation above that the use
of social media is growing and has very promising business opportunities.
Background Therefore, the social media
brand must continue to
innovate in order to continue
to compete. With a
penetration rate of over 88
percent, YouTube was the
most used social network in
Indonesia. The next most
frequently accessed social
media is WhatsApp 84%,
Facebook 82%, Instagram
79%, and Line 50%.
Competition in the field of social media is increasingly stringent, so brand
developers are required to implement appropriate marketing strategies that
can be used as weapons in competition between social media brands.

One of them is Instagram, Instagram is the one of the applications who raised
and has active users more than 1 billion, from the beginning of everything
Instagram has make the possible to download the photos, apply connections,
and offer photos with fans who can “like” and comment on them.
H1. Emotional brand attachment has a direct positive impact on brand credibility.

H2. Emotional brand attachment has a direct positive impact on consumer satisfaction.
Research Design
This study refers to previous studies conducted by (Dwivedi et al. 2018). The purpose
of this study is to examine the positive influence of Emotional Brand Attachment on
Brand Credibility and the positive influence of Emotional Brand Attachment on
Consumer Satisfaction on Social Media companies, in this case Instagram.
Result Of Validation

Variables and indicators Factor Loading Coefficient Conclusion

Cronbach Alpha

Affection 0.648 Reliable

1. I feel that I am close to Instagram 0,863 Valid

2. I feel that I believe in Instagram 0,863 Valid

Result Of Validation

Connection 0.789 Reliable

3. I feel it has a personal closeness 0,912 Valid

to Instagram

4. I feel connected to Instagram 0,912 Valid

Result Of Validation

Passion 0.841 Reliable

I'm excited about

5. 0,869 Valid

I feel glad that there

6. was Instagram in my 0,874 Valid


I feel hooked by
7. 0,871 Valid
Result Of Validation
Clarity of positioning 0,841 Reliable

19. Instagram delivers a clear image 0,914 valid

in all its activities that make it

easy for people to share their


20. Instagram communicates what it 0,928 valid


21 Instagram functionality is easy to 0,901 valid

Result Of Validation

Brand trust 0,770 Reliable

22. Instagram is a trustworthy brand 0,848 valid

23. I think Instagram is a safe brand 0,836 valid

I believe Instagram as a social

24. 0,664 valid
media brand

25. I rely on Instagram 0,753 valid

Result Of Validation

Consumer satisfaction 0,775 Reliable

26. Instagram meets my expectations 0,824 valid

27. I feel satisfied with Instagram 0,887 valid

I'm doing the right thing when

28. signing up or subscribing to 0,781 valid

Result Of Validation

Based on the data listed in Table 10 above, it can be stated that the indicator
instruments used in the variable Affection, Connection, Passion, Clarity of
positioning, Brand Trust, Consumer Satisfaction, are declared valid, due to
factor loading values of all these indicators ≥ 0.40
Results of the Realibility
Apabila Cronbach’s coefficien Alpha ≥ 0,60 maka pernyataan dalam kuisioner layak digunakan (construct reliable).

Apabila Cronbach coefficient alpha ≤ 0.60 maka pernyataan dalam kuisioner tidak layak digunakan (construct

Variable Cronbach Alpha Keputusan

Affection 0.648 Reliabel

Connection 0.789 Reliabel

Passion 0.841 Reliabel

BT 0.770 Reliabel

COP 0.898 Reliabel

CS 0.775 Reliabel
Results of the Realibility

Based on the reliability test table, for all variables can be said to be reliable based
on the value of Cronbach’s Alpha > 0.60. In other words there is internal
consistency in these statements so that they can form the construct of each of
these variables.
Test Result Goodness Of Fit Model

Types of Goodness of Criteria Results

Goodness of Fit Index Conclusion
Fit (cut-off value) Calculation

X² (Chi-square) Expected small 329,069 Poor Fit

Significance probability ≥ 0,05 0,000 Poor Fit

Absolute Fit Measure

RMSEA ≤ 0,10 0,099 Good Fit
Test Result Goodness Of Fit Model
NFI ≥ 0,90 0,845 Marginal

Incremental Fit Measure TLI ≥ 0,90 0,849 Marginal

CFI ≥ 0,90 0,890 Marginal

IFI ≥ 0,90 0,892 Marginal

Parsimonious Fit Lower limit: 1,0;

Measure Normed Chi Square Upper limit: 2,0/3,0 or 2,938
Good Fit
Profile Respondens
Profile of respondents by Intensity of Using Instagram

Intensity of using Instagram Frequency Percentage %

1 Year 5 2.5 %

1-2 Year 6 3.0 %

2-3 Year 18 9.0 %

> 3 Year 171 85.5 %

Total 200 100 %

Profile Respondens
Profile of respondents by Gender

Gender Frequency Percentage %

Male 85 42.5 %

Female 115 57.5 %

Total 200 100 %

Profile Respondens
Profile of respondents by Age

Age Frequency Percentage %

< 17 13 6.5%

18 - 24 years old 168 84.0%

25 - 34 years old 10 5.0%

35 - 44 years old 1 0.5%

44 years old and over 8 4.0%

Total 200 100%

Profile Respondens
Profile of respondents by Last Education

Last Education Frequency Percentage %

Under High School 3 1,5%

High School equals 111 56.5%

Bachelor/Diploma 83 41.5%

Postgraduate 3 1.5%

Total 200 100%

Profile Respondens
Profile of respondents by Job

Job Frequency Percentage %

Government Employees 2 1.0%

Official (Kedinasan) 3 1.5%

Private employees (Karyawan Swasta) 39 19.5%

Entrepreneur (Wiraswasta) 17 8.5%

Professional (Doctor, notary, architect, etc) 8 4.0%

Rather not say 131 65.5%

Total 200 100%

Profile Respondens
Profile of respondents by Income

Income Frequency Percentage %

Rp. 1.000.000 – Rp. 5.000.000 147 73.5%

Rp. 5.100.000 – Rp. 10.000.000 24 12.0%

Rp. 10.100.000 – Rp. 15.000. 000 8 4.0%

≥ Rp. 15.000.000 6 3.0%

Rather not say 15 7.5%

Total 200 100%

Profile Respondens
Profile of respondents based on Expenses

Expenses Frequency Percentage %

Rp. 1.000.000 – Rp. 2.000.000 125 62.5%

Rp. 2.100.000 – Rp. 4.000.000 43 21.5%

Rp. 4.100.000 – Rp. 6.000.000 12 6.0%

≥ Rp. 6.000.000 14 7.0%

Rather not say 6 3.0%

Total 200 100%

There is a positive influence of Emotional Brand Attachment on brand credibility. it means

that the higher the consumer's perception of Emotional Brand Attachment, the higher the

credibility of the Instagram brand. The results also show that consumers already feel that

Instagram has clearly explained its position, successfully describing all its activities clearly,

so that the Instagram function is easy to understand. the results of this study also show

consumers feel Instagram is a trustworthy brand and safe brand so consumers rely on

There is a positive influence of Emotional Brand Attachment on Consumer Satisfaction. It

means that, the higher the Emotional Brand Attachment felt by consumers, this means

that the higher the level of consumer satisfaction. and vice versa, the lower the Emotional

Brand Attachment felt by consumers, it means the lower the level of satisfaction or

consumers will not feel satisfied. The results also show that so far, consumers feel their

expectations have been met by Instagram, therefore customers are quite satisfied with

Instagram, so consumers feel they are doing the right thing when using this social media.
Managerial Implications
1. The marketing manager from Instagram must maintain the Emotional Brand Attachment

of consumers to the Instagram Social Media Platform, such as by conducting routine

surveys, either by contacting consumers directly about consumer ratings of Instagram or

by giving questionnaires.
Managerial Implications
Instagram must be able to maintain the credibility of the Instagram brand such as by being

consistent with the types of products offered, and also by increasing and ensuring the

safety of user data

The marketing manager from Instagram must maintain customer satisfaction and

maintain the quality of the products to be offered. by presenting good innovations and

providing features that can help users use Instagram

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