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The Creation
Underwater hockey was created in 1954 by Alan Blake, who had t
he goal of entertaining divers during the winter. Initially called
The octopush, that name being the best known in Britain.
The first official underwater hockey club was established in 2007
and its first national championships in the period of 2008.
How to play
In underwater hockey, teams are made up of
six athletes plus four reserves. The main
objective is to score as many points as
possible in less than 15 minutes. It is played
in a pool 20-25 meters long, 12-15 meters
wide and two meters deep. The equipment
used is basically a diving mask, caps, a tube,
gloves, fins, a mini club and a disk.
Underwater Today
Europe, being the birthplace of the sport, is where its practice
is most widespread, with emphasis on the United Kingdom,
France and Holland, both are considered the greatest powers.
At the World level we have countries like South Africa,
Australia, New Zealand, Colombia, United States and Canada.
Underwater hockey is not Olympic but has a world
championship, as it is a very new sport. It is not recommended
for anyone who wants to earn money.
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