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Research Title presentation

-By Angila chaulagain

1. Knowledge and awareness of complementary
feeding among the mothers.
2. Perception of parents towards underage smoking
and alcoholism .
3. crosssectional study on internet
addiction,behavioural aspects and eye health
problem associated with it
First topic
Knowledge and awareness of complementary feeding
among the mothers.
Many mother age group fail to provide sufficient
energy ,protein and micro nutrients and when children
lacks the protein in their body nutritional deficiency
may arises which may causes different disease so
therefore to provide sufficient energy to children
proper process of complimentary feeding should be
provide from six month up to two years.
65% of the studies shows that children refuses for
complementary food so to encourage mother to feed
their baby properly, give them awareness about the
nutrient to make them easy to eat and meet all his/her
Second topic
Perception of parents towards underage smoking and
alcoholism .
Exposure to smoking and drinking at young age results
in poor health and harmful behavior of underage
Parents behavior and relationship with their children
may also result in smoking and drinking at young age.
Parental understanding of exposure affects protective
behaviour and constitutes a potential target for
intervention to help protect children.
Third topic
3.crosssectional study on internet addiction,behavioural
aspects and eye health problem associated with it
With the rise of new generation gadgets the risk of “
internet addiction” is emerging as a significant
behavioral addiction pandemic to be tackled
Internet addiction has become a serious social problem
in nepal, especially among young people.
Internet addiction has become the significant disorder
that negatively impacts peoples jobs finances and
personal relations.
Internet is one of the main reason for growing eye
related problem among younger people.

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